Quit Drugs and Quit Drinking: Free Program
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Quit Drinking Quit Drugs

Learn How to Quit Alcohol Addiction

We will cover today the ways to stop drinking and then ways to stop drug addictions. Here you will learn discipline and self-control which will help you recover from alcohol addiction.

#1 Make disciple and structure and planning a priority. Both to keep your addiction at bay and to aggressively find your purpose in life.  #2 On Day one (below) we will learn how to pray to fight addiction. #3 To kick the habit you need to adopt new skills and techniques to use in regular day to day life. Keep reading to access the 45 day program.

Learn How to Quit a Drug Addiction

Which emotions lead you to addiction? Write out what coping skill you will use when you feel each emotion that causes you to relapse. For example if anger is a problem say: When I get angry and am tempted to party I will read “Battlefield of the mind” by Joyce Meyer. Or say, when I am bored and tempted to party I will call Bill or play chess.

If you don’t have a list of 6 or 8 activities to do when tempted to fall you should do that now.