Day 41 of Drugs and Drinking No More, A 40 Day Program. Prayer
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Drugs and Drinking no more, A 40 day program: Day 41

Life can be looked at as having 100 levels. You are currently on one level and the goal now is to move up to a higher level. Think and pray about the fact that you want to move up to that next level. A new level Spiritually should be the first priority. Others levels include, moderation, prayer, discipline, helping others, purpose, family, quitting addictions, obedience to be in Gods blessing and many others. Pray and think about attaining a new level often.
No matter what stage of recovery you are in you need to be ready for an attack today and every day because it is coming. Only those who have a permanent plan for fighting off the attacks can quit their addictions permanently.

Once you have established habits of Bible study and prayer you are ready for some answers to prayer. We know that God answers the prayer of a righteous person. So as we start to establish righteousness in our lives we can pray some prayers with great faith.

Totally unselfish prayers that will do us absolutely no good can be prayed with confidence. Here is an example. If you pray that people will come to my website and get help – you will not gain anything in this world.

So when satan or one of his buddies attack and tempt you pray: “Father, bring people to stoptheaddictions and help them quit their addiction and be saved.”

Now make it a double barreled prayer and pray: “Father, I pray that you would take away this temptation and cover me with your blood.”

If I make this double barreled attack on satan every time he will slow down his attack. He knows whats up – he knows God loves to answer an unselfish prayer. He knows that you are fighting back and not only winning, but you are making his kingdom crumble.

Ephesians 6:12King James Version (KJV)

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Now I wish I could give you a money back guarantee that if you defeat satan you will always overcome addiction. Because you have to defeat yourself and your own lusts as well. But, if you defeat him it now becomes a level playing field. You can think more clearly. You can focus on other things. Defeating him is 85% of the battle if you are putting in the work to quit.

Once you defeat him and focus on thinking about other things and thinking about your purpose – then you will be done with addiction.

Pray: Father help me to focus on the fact that Drugs/Drinking causes  destruction. It always has and it always will.

Read Matthew 13, and Acts 1-2

Checklist for avoiding relapse:

  1. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Have an all consuming goal that will help other people and that will use up a lot of the time you used to spend on your addiction.
  2. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Even during times when you are succeeding prayer urgently often each day to overcome addiction – to develop habits that you may very well need during seasons of severe temptation.
  3. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Always practice moderation in everything and always try to identify what activities you tend to overindulge in which lead you down a wrong trail.
  4. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Write down what attitudes and beliefs led you into addiction. For me the love of pleasure was a priority. That attitude brought about a lot of pain and destruction. I am currently focusing on being very aware of how great things are when I worship God vigorously and pursue the correct passions and purpose. If I improve my awareness of how great things are when I am vibrantly living life God’s way, the next time I fall into heavy temptation I will have more bullets in my gun to fight back.
  5. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Write down places or people or activities that you need to avoid to stay off the slippery path that leads you back into addiction.
  6. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Form a plan with new places or people or activities that will help you avoid relapse. Have a list of people that you can reach out to for support when times get tough.
  7. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Keep attending support groups – either to get help or to do your part to help others.
  8. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Make disciple and structure and planning a priority. Both to keep your addiction at bay and to aggressively find your purpose in life.
  9. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Realize that you are stronger now. Your life may spin out of control for a bit and you start to slip up. You have crossed the line you know you should not cross. We know drinkers just can’t have that one drink, it leads to others. But you were not trying to set loose boundaries, you just honestly screwed up. You are now strong enough to stop and avoid destruction. Tell yourself and God “I am not trying to set loose boundaries, I am going to stop this relapse right now and fulfill my purpose and find joy”. You are stronger now!
  10. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Develop positive addictions. Exercise every day, pray every day, read the Bible every day, help others every day, fight to find your purpose every day, determine to treat people with love and respect every day, become more disciplined every day, develop more expertise in moderation every day, learn how to love and worship God more every day. Develop positive addictions.


Top 10 prayers for overcoming addiction: How to pray


  1. Pray: Father help me to continue to realize that 12 step programs and help from Pastors and sponsors are vitally important to my continued recovery.
  2. Pray: “Father help me to make it a habit to always plan my next few days. It is vital to plan because boredom is a trigger to relapse. Routine and concrete scheduling can be a lifesaver for an addict. A schedule, coupled with passion for a new hobby or sporting activity, allows people to successfully and happily break the cycle of boredom.
  3. Pray: Father help you me always to be balanced. Be balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  4. Pray: Father help me to focus on the fact that drugs/drinking causes destruction. It always has and it always will.
  5. Pray the Lord’s prayer 4 times a day (if you can do it each time sincerely) or as often as you can sincerely pray it.

The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

  1. Pray: Father help me to have toughness to be able to say no to my habit.
  2. Pray: “Father, help me to quit drinking/using drugs, and to learn how to think about other things instead of partying and to learn what to do instead.”
  3. Father, take away my drug/drinking urges and help me to worship and praise you so that I will become more disciplined and stronger.
  4. Pray: “Father give me the wisdom to write a prayer that will help me to start overcoming my addiction.” For example – you feel like your gambling has hurt your ability to be a great parent. You might pray “Father help me to care more about my kid’s future than I care about gambling.” Once you have that prayer that really speaks to what will motivate you – start praying it in earnest. You can pray it as many times each day as you want as long as you are sincere in increasing your desire to change with each prayer. God is not counting how many times I pray my prayer. He is looking at how my heart changes as I sincerely pray it each time and how I allow him to lead me to better choices because now (because of prayer and extra effort) I am starting to see reality clearer.
  5. Pray: Father help me to be moderate in all things (being moderate in all things will help you stay away from your main addiction).

Freedom Prayer

By Tim Hofflander

Father, give me wisdom to learn techniques to overcome my addition

Help me to fulfil my God given purpose in full, or to aggressively train to fulfil it

I plan to obey you today and I ask that you would see my sincerity and start to take away my pain

I will do my part in helping others and I humbly ask that you would start to help mend relationships that have a chance of being restored

I need your help. My new book “What the Bible Says About Addiction” is available for sale on Amazon. If you want a copy please purchase one and leave a good review. This book along with this course will help you change twice as fast. Writing a good review is your way of helping the next person. I need a few people to help me by buying and reviewing this book. No one knows it exists and I am sure it will help a lot of people. Click here to access my new book at Amazon.

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Thank you for reading day 41 of this program to continue your goal to get rid of this addiction. 

I have a new website on prayer at
I will be adding days to that site until I get a 30 or 40 day program on prayer.