Strive to understand that our partying careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove we could drink/use like other people. The idea that somehow, some day, we will control our partying is the great obsession of every partier. The persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it to the gates of prison, poverty, or death.
Let’s continue to watch people who quit to see what they are doing. Ty decided to pray every day: Father, give me the wisdom to understand that I must move on to other things. Help me to realize that someday I will enjoy other things just as much as partying and that I will not have the destruction that partying always adds.
One key to a Drug Detox Program or Alcohol Detox Program is that we must learn to resolve conflict. What conflict causes you to go back to your addiction? What can you change about that? Today write down what changes need to be made.
To learn how to quit a habit you need to develop positive addictions. This is why I recommend the Purpose Driven Live every day. You need to search and pray about finding your purpose. One of my positive addictions is helping other people who have addictions. I need a lot more positive addictions if I am going to stay clean from all negative addictions for good. Do you need more? Today write down a list of things you can do or accomplish that would be healthy positive addictions.
We need to develop many new positive behaviors. What one new activity will you start to work on today.
It is a huge challenge to find activities that will help you live life better without your drug or drinking addiction. So you need to work hard to develop these other activities. The reason you need to work hard to develop other activities is because you quickly forget how damaging drugs and alcohol are. Then you run right back to it. If instead, you find a new hobby like helping out at the food bank where you will spend time investing your life helping other people. Then you will have less time to be tempted and you will be accomplishing something great with your life.
Key Point #1 Learn new activities and learn how to worship God all the time and you will be done with your addiction.
We worship God by telling Him that we love Him. We need to thank God for his unconditional love for us, then we should meditate on how we can learn to love him more. The Bible says that He who loves me keeps my commandments.
Next tell God that you worship only Him. Not money, not partying, not lust, not anything else.
Next tell God that you praise Him because He is a mighty God, an awesome God, and one that is greatly to be praised. We love to praise football stars, rock stars, movie stars. Just stop it. They will only bring you tiny bits of joy. Praise God instead who can bring you fullness of joy.
Key Point #2 The Bible says in everything give thanks. Tom decided to try to make it a habit to thank God for everything good or bad.
When you learn to find joy though Jesus Christ you will find that you have 10 times as much power over your addiction.
Sue’s goal on Day 9 of her Alcohol Detox program is to work on developing positive habits.
Psalm 33:5
The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.
Continue to read “The Purpose Driven Life”.
Matthew 5 is about how we can change so that we will start to be blessed by God. noted the following:
The Second Beatitude v4
God blesses those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Now the person that mourns is the person who becomes poor in spirit and repents. It isn’t necessarily talking about mourning over the death of somebody. It is talking about recognizing that we are sinners and understanding how much those sins hurt God and others.
None of us can mourn like this unless we have the Holy Spirit within us because it is the Holy Spirit who convicts us of our sin. When we sin we bring dishonor to God’s name. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to do wrong and just take forgiveness for granted.
When we want happiness at any cost the lines between right and wrong can become blurred and we stop seeing how far from Jesus we have come. That is when we stop mourning over our sin. But when we do mourn God will comfort us. One of the great examples showing this is the story of the prodigal son.
“It’s the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance, sweeps away all obstacles.”
Overcoming Addiction Quote by Claude M. Bristol
Read Proverbs Matthew 6 and First Corinthians 6 from the Bible.
Copyright 2015 © THR Publishing LLC
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Day one: How to overcome cravings
Day two: Would believing in a higher power be good for you?
Day three: Quitting addiction exercises
Day four: Does God answer pray?
Day five: Starting to understand that we can’t increase our pleasure for the whole month by going back to our addiction
Day six: Planning our day to keep addiction temptation to a minimum
Day seven: We find liberty (or start to find liberty) from addiction when we find Jesus
Day eight: First fruit of the Spirit
Thankyou for reading Day 9 of our Drug Detox Program (Alcohol Detox Program).