Stop The Addictions | timcia's Replies
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  • in reply to: Be Content #18047

      Everyone who is trying to quit a habit needs a huge increase in contentment. Consider praying:

      “Father, take away this spirit of drinking/drugs and help me to be content.”

      If you are single it is wise to learn contentment with being single. I see divorced people who think and talk about finding someone all the time. Instead, it is wiser to think, pray, and talk often about being content. Then to think all the time about doing God’s will. Paul was in the top 1% of people who had great joy. He was single. 
      Second, whether you are single or married, put in the prayer and the work so that God becomes the answer to loneliness and other problems. He is the answer.
      Third, I recommend dozens of prayers. Consider spending time each week to study exactly what you should be praying more about. No one should be trying to find the greatest variety of prayers and prayer topics. If you have zero contentment with your life, consider praying the above prayer 5-10 times per day, or more.

      Fourth, if you have never married, now is the time to learn contentment so that you can do God’s will. If you learn contentment, form habits of going to war with sin, and learn to do God’s will… if you do get married later, it might be one of those rare, great marriages.

      Finally, do you need to pray daily about contentment? I do. Today I am committing to working more on it. I am always happier when I am content.

      in reply to: Success #18039

        Satan wants the church confused about whether we can quit sinning, and whether we must fight sin urgently. God wants us to know that we can and that we must do so. Why? Because God urgently wants us to do His will. The Bible says “His kingdom is coming.” Sin keeps us from doing His will and keeps us from joy.

        Second, nothing you can do will give you more joy and pleasure than doing God’s will. We all know… Satan’s pleasure is easy, but it adds destruction. We find God’s pleasure as we do God’s will. We find God’s pleasure as we increase in prayer and praise.

        Third, finding God’s pleasure takes time and often work. Satan will tell you, “My pleasure is better.” Lies.

        Today, consider urgently committing to putting in the time and work so that you will “know” what God wants you to do.

        Fourth, consider setting clear goals about discipline today and this week.

        Finally, Paul urgently disciplined his body. He urgently tried to learn and do God’s will. He lived a great life.

        in reply to: What is Joy? #18038

          We either fight addiction with power or without it. When we study key verses, power enters our lives. When we declare war on sin, power enters our lives. When we strain to pray all the time, power enters our lives. Daily Bible reading adds power, and praising the Lord adds power. Praying to be filled with the Spirit adds power. Praying to find our purpose adds power.

          Second, believe the Bible as written. You can deeply trust the literal versions: NKJV, NIV, NASV, ESV. If a verse does not make sense to you, read it every day until it does. God loves to see a person wrestling to understand and obey scripture. Doing so adds power.

          Third, can we quit sinning? The answer is both yes and no. We can go to war with specific sins and start to cut them out. At some point, we will cut certain sins out if we fight enough. We all know people who drank too much but then quit drinking. They quit their most problematic sin, and you can quit your most problematic sin as well.

          Fourth, we can cut out specific sins, but some sin will be missed. My brother knew some guy who said, “I don’t sin anymore.” Obviously, his pride is ruining his message. If he said, “I always go to war with sin, and I am starting to see its grip on me fading.” That is saying it in a way more people would believe, and even try to copy.

          Fifth, almost all of the techniques I recommended make our bad desires decrease, and that allows the Holy Spirit to increase “in us.” “He” does not sin. If we actually die to ourselves as the Bible tells us to… “He” would steer us on a sinless course for as long as we allow Him to do so. I am always, no, often, trying to do that. I should always try to do that. But no man will ever be perfect in doing that. But trying to improve, is the smartest thing we can do.

          Finally, dying to self is the key to joy. The more we work on it, the more we will get that very destructive sin out of our lives.

          in reply to: What to Do #18037

            Our phones computers and electronic devices are either a 50-caliber bullet flying at us, or they can become a great weapon for us to defeat our foe. If we dwell on what our flesh wants, bad things happen. Here are tips on how to use E devices for good.
            #1 Search how to “Overcome drugs or drinking” so many times that it automatically goes to that phrase just because you put in the O. #2 Search “New hobbies” so many times that it automatically goes to that phrase just because you put in the N. #3 Search “Spiritual growth.” #4 Have key articles saved in your phone. If you look at them so often that you can quote sentences from them, you have started to fire back at the one who is shooting at you. #5 Have prayers about quitting saved in your phone so that you can “constantly” have something else to think about instead of drugs or drinking.
            Finally, consider making it a lifelong habit to use your phone and devices for good. It will be a huge help in the fight.

            in reply to: Pleasure #18036

              As we read the verses for quitting we realize, God hates drinking/drugs. If I say to boycott a movie because it glorifies partying, people will have a cow.
              God’s verses about drinking/drugs were less important than my pleasure. Consider praying:
              “Father, take away my love of sinful pleasure, and help me to hate drinking/drugs.”
              If you turn instantly from a movie that glorifies partying, you may learn something. #1 You may learn a good technique for avoiding falling. #2 You may learn that God condemns sin because it keeps us from love, joy, peace, and other fruits of the Spirit. #3 You may learn that wrongful behavior from the past did not satisfy.
              Second, pray to fear drinking/drugs and to fear the destruction the addiction causes. Consider praying:
              “Father, show me why I should fear this habit.”
              Finally, this is a war. Those who win the war will work more on quitting. Those who win the war will trust God more. He says, “Life is better without intoxication.” Believe Him.

              in reply to: Be Content #18033

                Yesterday I was complaining again. People just don’t do things in a perfect way when they are working with me. Since I am perfect, that is a – Wait, I am not perfect either.

                We forget that we are not perfect when someone else makes mistakes we would not make. The problem is, we make a bunch of other mistakes they would not make.

                #1 I need to be humble and remember that we all make mistakes.

                #2 I need to remember how God reacts (Sometimes with fire) to people who complain.

                #3 How popular will I be if I am Mr. Negative?

                #4 Complaining puts us in a worse mood. Forgive, and forget. Or ignore the issue if possible.

                #5 Complaining helps us believe the theory “Life stinks,” on a higher level.

                What does the Bible say about complaining?

                “Do all things without complaining and disputing, ” (Philippians 2:14-). Consider memorizing this command.

                Finally, I will repeat the last line of the Feb. 28th article:

                Consider focusing on making it a habit to praise the Lord, give thanks, or to rejoice every time you are tempted to complain. That habit will make you happier, and it will help in the fight against drinking and drugs.

                Joy takes work. I choose to work at it every day.

                in reply to: Strongholds #18032

                  Luke 6:47 Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: 48 He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was [j]founded on the rock. 49 But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it [k]fell. And the ruin of that house was great.”

                  This passage tells us what “To do.” If we hear the Word and do nothing we get ruin.

                  Second, many read articles, but only a few think constantly about how to form new habits that will squeeze out the old habits. Make it a hobby to research online about “How to form new habits.” Your library probably has a book on forming habits.

                  Third, your house is your life. Consider memorizing:

                  “Being a doer of God’s ways makes my life rock solid.” “Hearing the Word and doing nothing = ruin.”

                  Fourth, repent, be a doer of the Word, form new habits, success.

                  in reply to: Be Ready #18028

                    Satan will plant drinking/drug thoughts in our minds. We can reject them, and we must reject them.

                    Step one: Determine to control your thoughts. Many will try this today, only a tiny few will succeed. But those who employ the tricks of discipline will still have a great chance.

                    Experts at discipline struggle and say: I need more notes to remind me to reject bad thoughts. I need to pray more so that the Holy Spirit helps me more. I need to have more Bible verses available so that I can fight back effectively.

                    I need to say and think more often: “I will control my thoughts.” I need to pray more often:

                    “Father, help me to control my thoughts.”

                    Step two: Always “try” to reject drinking/drugs and sinful thoughts. Today I will watch pro football. Many receivers were drafted in the first round. The Lions star Amon-Ra St. Brown was picked in the 4th round but he has more catches than the 17 receivers picked before him. Why? He “Tries harder.” Not only this week but this month and “All year.”

                    Rejecting and replacing lustful thoughts is a skill that takes time to master. Consider praying:

                    “Father, help me to work on the skill of rejecting and replacing drinking/drug thoughts every day.”

                    Today (12/24) many celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian, consider praying this when drinking/drugs thoughts strike:

                    “In the name of Jesus, I reject this thought.”

                    Today, pray about whether you will make a lifestyle choice to consistently “Try” to reject and replace drinking/drug thoughts. It is a key to quitting.

                    in reply to: Thoughts #18011

                      Use notes to remind you of what you should be thinking about. Have a list of 8 healthy things you should be thinking about. Maybe 4 things that are productive and 4 that are spiritual.

                      Think about:
                      1. Praying and going to war with negative emotions
                      2. A challenge you overcame
                      3. A goal you have achieved
                      4. How obedience will lead to God’s blessing
                      5. How you can find your God-given purpose
                      6. How running from drinking/drugs is smart. Then pray for help again
                      7. An accomplishment you can be proud of
                      8. Someone you have helped
                      9. Problems will pass. With Jesus life will go on
                      10. Someone who you would like to emulate (be more like)
                      11. What you believe to be most important in life
                      12. A character trait you would like to develop
                      13. How your life is different because of Jesus
                      14. A time you felt God was close to you
                      15. A piece of music that lifts your spirits
                      16. A Scripture you find meaningful
                      17. What it feels like to worship God
                      18. The fact the others went through similar circumstances, and are free now
                      19. The Bible says to praise the Lord
                      20. Consider repeating often: I will think in a positive way
                      Be aggressive with casting down sinful thoughts and replacing them with healthy thoughts.
                      Consider praying: “Father, show me how wrong thoughts poison my life.”
                      Print out your own cheat sheet of new thoughts and look at your paper so often that it wears completely out. If you like this list, wear it out instead.

                      in reply to: What to Do #17994

                        Drinking/drugs usually takes everything. What if instead, we want to have everything? To have everything we need to do God’s will all the time. Americans call it finding our purpose. Read books on God’s will, and purpose. Pray about it. Become obsessed with it. Study articles daily online to become educated about how to find it.

                        Obviously, we need to quit bad habits to fulfill our purpose. But once you are obsessed with finding purpose and doing God’s will, bad habits really do start to fall away.

                      Viewing 10 posts - 61 through 70 (of 92 total)