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If you have the habit of looking at porn or having out-of-control sex, one huge key is to have organized and to know certain exercises to do to stop the habit. My program at stoptheaddictions.com has hundreds of exercises you can do. But it is best to identify over time which exercises work for you. To discover this you can have a journal where you write down exercises that you are trying.

I would write down ideas for exercises from this site, from books, from group, and from church. The point is to have quick access to ideas that will help you instantly. We often don’t realize that we forget things quickly. We can’t afford to forget ideas that impact our freedom, future, finances, family, and many other things. Here are some  exercise ideas.

1: A list siting the “Benefits of stopping.” Now memorize the important ones and say them 5 times per day.

2: Say 5 times daily. This habit has caused me destruction in the past and it will in the future.

3: Keep in mind what your habit harms. Career, sex life, marriage, family, fill in the blank _____.

Focus on working on your journal daily. Make journaling one of the things you do in your new routine.


Quitting habits are like putting a puzzle together. Often people think that the key to quitting addiction is what they stop doing. But the first steps to quit porn and sex addiction is to learn to do the right things.

Having a new code is a key right thing to do. The moral law is written about by Robert Perkinson. He writes about goodness, helping a drowning stranger. This law would inspire you to help them. This law shows us that there is goodness inside us. When we strive to believe in a higher power it helps to note that goodness. Atheists say there is no God. Christians say there is one and that it is great to follow Jesus Christ.

Ironsides was a popular pastor. One day after he preached a man handed him a note challenging him to a debate. It read, meet next Sunday, I will prove atheism and you can debate me. Ironsides said, I accept with one condition. You bring a woman and a man who will talk about how they accepted atheism and how it transformed them. Helped them stop sex addictions, quit alcohol or destructive gambling. I indeed will bring 80 people who will tell you how Jesus transformed their lives from darkness into light and helped them quit countless addictions. Helping them find purpose and joy.

The man lowered his head and replied. I withdraw my challenge.

To quit any habit it is vital to understand your higher power.

We are often confused by past ideas of God. But the truth is, we just need to accept Him and begin to follow Him to see that it is real. List a few things that would improve if you turned your life over to God.






To quit any bad habit we have to learn to set ourselves free from the past. We will learn how to do that below. Next, we need to forgive others. When we don’t forgive we hurt ourselves. Pray 2-5 times daily: Father, help me to forgive _______ who hurt me. You forgave me on the cross, I will forgive them.

Exodus 15 talks about God’s unfailing love for us.

When we follow our own code instead of a higher code, what happens. Do we need to make a spiritual decision?

Learn the steps to quitting sex or porn. New habits will free you from porn or sex addiction.



  • You are consumed with thoughts of porn even when you are not actively watching it. Answer: Pray every 20 minutes: Father, help me to turn aggressively from sin.
  • You feel ashamed, guilty, or depressed about your porn viewing. Answer: Ask Jesus for forgiveness and form a battle plan to stop.
  • You continue to watch porn despite the harm it has had, is having, or may have on your relationships, work, or home life. Answer: Put in the work in advance, before the temptation is too severe.

To stop sex addiction (and watching porn) we should learn from people who have decided to quit. Let’s follow several people to see what they are trying. Jan determined to say 3 times daily to fight her cravings: “This temptation will go away if I don’t act on it. If I give up it will return and it will be stronger next time. If I stop, it will go away and someday it will go away for good. I have the self-control to change”. Bill decided to focus on the bad consequences of his behavior and he decided to pray 2 times each day “Lord keep me from temptation” (This is part of the Lord’s prayer from the Bible).

Mike was undecided about Christianity, but he was intrigued by how a Christian friend had found joy with his new faith – so when his buddy recommended “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel, he got a copy.

If this article has helped you, share it with your friends.

For porn blocking software click here.

Thank you for reading day 3 of this program: Steps to quitting sex or porn addiction.

Day 1: Overcoming cravings

Day 2: Is God real?