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  • in reply to: Trials #18356

      Sin habits lead to destruction. Until we sin satan has zero right to fill us with anxiety, anger, discontentment, depression and a million other bad things.
      After we repent and start our plan for change… he again loses his right to pound us with negative emotions.
      Second, pick the negative emotion you struggle with most. Example: Google “Verses ______.”
      I will use the example of inadequacy. Google gave me these verses.
      Philippians 4:13 ESV I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
      Go to war with sin and see what “I can do all things” starts to mean in your life.
      James 1:2-4 ESV Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
      Fight sin, and keep filling yourself with scripture, then see what the end of this verse starts to mean.
      2 Timothy 1:7 ESV For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
      A war on sin increases the Spirit in us. Asking the Holy Spirit to fill us (After full repentance) increases the Spirit in us. Praying:
      “Father, teach me how to replace ______ thoughts, and fill me with Your love,” increases the Spirit in us.
      Finally, realize: Many negative things in life are because of sin. Use that valuable knowledge to inspire yourself to increase your war on _______.

      in reply to: Evil #18351

        To hate evil means to abhor it, to loathe it, to be disgusted by it. Consider praying:

        “Father, help me to reject evil intensely.”

        Here is a fact: God is right about everything. I may be wrong about a fair amount of things. If God says it is good to hate evil… He will be right.

        When you are tempted, consider saying: “God will be right about this being bad, and ending badly.”

        Do I find evil repugnant? Do I feel horror when I consider risky TV, movies, and places? If Eve had understood the consequences of eating the apple, she would have felt horror. Consider praying:

        “Father, when I am tempted, remind me what the wages of sin are?”

        If we are soldiers of Christ, we must fight to be hostile towards looking at risky things. Consider praying:

        “Father, help me to fight against risky things, I believe that Your ways are right, and that they lead to joy.”

        Second, the verse adds, “Cling to what is good.” I have a one-page printout of verses about love which I study most days. Studying love is a great way to cling to what is good.

        Write down your two worst emotional problems. Then print out verses on those topics. When we read them daily we are clinging to good.

        To cling to what is good, we embrace and find it very important to only look at clean things, and to go to the correct places. Consider praying:

        “Father, teach me to prefer keeping my mind pure. Show me the benefits of turning from ____.”

        Love God – hate sin = great life.

        • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by timcia.
        in reply to: Increase in Knowledge #18350

          Proverbs 14:16 A wise man fears and departs from evil.”
          Consider praying:
          “Father, fill me with Your wisdom”
          “Father, I commit to fearing evil. Help me to fear evil.”
          “Father, I commit to departing from evil. Help me to depart from evil.”
          The fear of the Lord is mentioned 24 times in the Bible. This week I am praying often to increase my fear of the Lord. The Bible says that the “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
          We spend countless hours thinking about things that lead back to ______.
          Instead, consider memorizing the above verse. Consider a commitment to wisdom. Consider a commitment to pray prayers based 100% on scripture.
          As always, feel free to print this out for personal use. Today I am committing to working on making these things habits.

          in reply to: Habits #18299

            Consider having a “Quitting” notebook, and filling it with tips, and ideas that you read about. Most of us struggle to maintain new habits. We get a great idea for a new habit to replace an old habit, then work on it for a day or two, then move on to some other “hot” solution.
            Today’s article is day 6 in an interweaving of solutions and habits that in my opinion are the foundations of quitting God’s way. I think it is wise to work on these 5 habits (Listed below) first, often, and to keep working on them until they start to become habits.
            Second, the challenge is… I stink at learning new habits, I am a champ at continuing to do things the way I always have. How to start to change.
            Consider having notes on these new habits, or printouts, so that you can review them often. Have a time and a place to work on quitting daily. Consider starting daily, by adding new quitting ideas to your notebook, then, review the top 5 habits, then start trying to “do” the top five habits. Note: 4 of these 5 habits are straight from the Bible, and the 5th (Doing other activities) is a foundation with 99% of all quitting programs.
            Third, you can do this. If you are terrible at this (Like I am) you can do your daily reading, and then start trying to do the idea’s.
            Fourth, consider putting notes in your phone and everywhere else to remind you to do these things. Have a “code” page in your quitting notebook. A note, or a sticky note with an R could be code for praying your quitting prayer, or a V could be code to remind you to fight temptation with your quitting verse, or an A could remind you to focus on trying alternative activities that may lower temptation.
            If people ask, “Why do you have a note with an A on it.” You could say something like, “I am trying to change the way I am thinking, and this is my reminder.”
            Fifth, the Bible promises everyone that joy will increase if they start to do things God’s way. The challenge is that most of us commit at a 25%, 35%, or 40% level. Well… Your joy is going to increase at that same level. If you want fullness of joy, strive to be fully committed.
            Sixth, remember what happens on a day when you are fully committed. You felt this great relationship with God, life was looking up, and you felt some joy. Then the next day life ran you over again. Satan tells you, “This is not working.”
            Consider memorizing this fact: “When I am committed to quitting God’s way, I have seen my life improve.” We need to make it through the dark day. We need to give God a chance to help us by “Giving Him time on a dark day.”
            Finally, today consider using notes to start your course toward new habits. It takes time (Sometimes a long time), but it is worth it.
            Below is the review of the first 5 habits.
            First, pick a quitting verse, and use it often to fight temptation.
            Second, pick a quitting prayer, and use it to fight temptation.
            Third, have a list of alternative activities to do.
            Fourth, think often about learning to fear the Lord: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom.”
            Fifth, pray often about purpose. Strive to start helping people and doing things that God wants you to do.
            Last, the only people who succeed at this are the people who keep doing it. Will you become one of those people?

            in reply to: Resist Satan #18293

              David said, “I have set the Lord always before me.” How can we do that?
              Firstly, we can fight temptation the way our Lord said to fight it. The Bible gives us the example of Jesus fighting temptation with scripture.
              #1 Pick out one scripture verse to use to fight. Here is a list of habits, and how to search for specific verses about those habits:
              Lust: Search “Verses lust.”
              Drinking, or drugs: Search “Verses Drinking.”
              Gambling: Search “Verses gambling.”
              Whatever your habit is, search “Verses ________.”
              Note: I chose gambling as an example on purpose. Very few verses are perfect for that habit. But, pick the best one and use it. The point is to get the Holy Spirit activated.
              Second, do a hard memorization of the verse or start a soft memorization. A soft memorization is putting it in your phone so you can read it every time you are tempted, or printing out the verse 5 times on a piece of paper so you can put them where you will constantly see them.
              Third, your temptor is mathematical. He wants to tempt people who will give in, not those who will fight. After you quote the verse to him 10, or 20 times he will leave. He will return the next day to try again, but, at some point, he will only stick around for 1 verse. Once he leaves, you will simply have to fight your own personal desires.
              I was shocked at how my temptations dropped once I was just fighting my desires. I still needed to say no, but now it had become a fair fight.
              Finally, I was shocked at how I began to understand God, temptation, and life as I made this technique a habit.
              As I did this again and again, it worked more and more. Over time I did quit my main habit for good. Picking a verse to fight temptation was one of the smartest things I ever did.

              Psalm 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. 9 Therefore my heart is glad.

              in reply to: Think About #18290

                To stop bad habits it is wise to form habits of thinking about new things. Philippians commands us to think toward love.
                First, think about things that attract, please, and win other people’s admiration and attention. Everybody likes a person who does this because then they speak in a way that is positive and makes life better for everyone.
                Second, part of the reason long-term habits continue is because of conflicts with others. If you form the habit of thinking in a helpful, loving way, it becomes easier to get along with everybody. Thinking right sometimes leads to speaking right as well as acting right. It all starts right in you mind. Consider praying:
                “Father, help me to form the habit of having 1-2 positive, life improving things to think about.”
                The Bible commands us to let our minds dwell on helpful, loving thoughts.
                I am not good at this. That is why I keep referring back to these articles about what to think about. I need to keep working on that habit. It will keep me from focusing on wrong things.
                Third, I act, and think based on my emotions, and on what I want. This is a bad system, and it leads to bad habits, which then lead to destruction.
                God wants us to think before we act. Think first!
                Think, what does God want me to do? How does God want me to think?
                Fourth, everyone starts off thinking wrong. But only a few catch themselves and think: The way I am thinking is terrible, and it will lead to darkness, which will lead to _______. I need to change the way I am thinking. Consider praying:
                “Father, help me to form the habit of changing thoughts of _______, and replacing them with thoughts of Christian love.”
                Today, consider replacing thoughts of:
                #1 Self-pity, with thoughts of love
                #2 Fear, with thoughts of Biblical verses on courage
                #3 Bitterness, with thoughts of forgiveness.
                Finally, consider writing out 2-3 of your negative thoughts, Then, write down what you will replace those thoughts with.
                If you think right, it will lead to doing right (someday).
                Most importantly, replace constant thoughts of your habit with something better.
                Thinking God’s way starts us toward freedom and

                in reply to: Pleasure #18285

                  We all think that our habit is (or was)) the greatest thing on earth to do. It is not. Other activities are better. The challenge is… To understand the whole equation, instead of just focusing on the pleasure.
                  Bad habits cause destruction. Sometimes twice as much destruction as we think. Consider praying:
                  “Father, show me the full destruction that ______ is causing me.”
                  Second, we need to dry out from the habit for weeks before the new activities will be fun. We just need to do the new activities instead, in frustration until our brain resets, allowing us to once again enjoy the new activities.
                  Third, pray about which activities you should try.
                  Fourth, have lists of activities to do. Try praising the Lord while you do the activity.
                  Fifth, often the first 10 to 15 minutes of the activity is the hardest. Pray to be content constantly during these first difficult minutes.
                  Example of how to fight to start a new activity. I get a cheap keyboard, and decide to play for 30 minutes daily. I start playing. I am unhappy, this is not what I “want” to do. I pray “Help me to be content” about every 22 seconds. After 10 minutes I am doing a tiny bit better but still…
                  I think, I will keep going. I will be aware of the destruction of _______. “Father, remind me of the destruction of _________.” I am going to try this activity for 30 days. Until then, it might not be great, but the equation is better. Way less destruction. I will do the things I need to do to someday live in joy, and peace. My week and month will be way better, if my life is clean and right. I will be healthier, and happier.
                  Fight, pray, plan, win.

                  in reply to: Embrace Change #18279

                    Satan tempted Jesus, and Jesus said: “Get behind me satan.” While we don’t quite have the power of Jesus, if we have repented fully of our sins, we have the full power to fight with satan.
                    First, repent. Second, tell satan in Jesus name to get behind you. Third, commit to a long-term war with sin. This commitment will increase your power to fight temptation. Fourth, committed Christians have great power when they pray the blood of Jesus over their fight. The power of Jesus blood gives us victory over darkness.
                    1 Peter 5:8 -9  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
                    James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
                    Everyone can resist. If while under severe temptation you read these verses over and over again, power will start to fill you. Read them while watching (clean) TV. Put them in your phone. Access His power.
                    How do we submit to God? Consider praying:
                    “Father, Your ways are right and great. Help me to fight until I change.”
                    With every temptation Jesus said to satan, “It is written.” What if with every temptation you find 2 verses about your habit and you repeat them 5 times per hour, or more. Then, the next day find two new ones and repeat, repeat, repeat. What if you find two new verses each day for 30 days, and repeat them with “Every” temptation. With every verse copy Jesus, and say, “It is written.”
                    Finally, fight temptation the way Jesus did. It works.

                    in reply to: Filled with the Spirit #18274

                      The Bible says: “Be ye filled with the Holy Spirit.”

                      Today, I will review the last 4 keys for being filled-with-the-spirit based on some of my old articles.

                      1 To be filled with the Spirit I pray by asking the Holy Spirit to fill me with His power. To fill me with His fire. The next direction we can choose is to pray the prayer of Jabez.
                      “Father expand my borders and bless me indeed.”

                      We pray this prayer because we need to more fully understand: God wants to fill us for His reasons, not ours. We need the Holy Spirit if we are going to expand our borders. God is filling us for a very specific reason. And the challenge is that often we think that our lives will be worse, with less pleasure and less joy if we do exactly what God wants us to do.


                      Doing exactly what God wants is the key to purpose and joy.

                      2 Great Christians memorize this verse:
                      “Thy will be done.”

                      Then they spend time in prayer to be empowered to do “His will.” Often we need to pray and ask Jesus to increase our will to surrender and give up control. To ask Jesus to empty us of anything that’s preventing the Holy Spirit from being in control. Ask Him to increase our faith in His promise to give us the Holy Spirit. Consider praying:

                      “Father, help me to fight against sin, and fill me with your Spirit.”

                      3 Consider praying:
                      “Father, help me to remember that sin leads to death.”
                      This prayer is based on James 1:14-15. Something always is dying or dies when we give in to_______.

                      Some people want to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that they are empowered with the gifts of the Spirit. But if that is your method, that is a long cut. Instead, use a short-cut. Focus on the two commands that Jesus said are most important. To love the Lord your God with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. This consistent focus leads us to activities that produce joy. Helping Others. We pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that the Holy Spirit can empower us to help others.

                      Take time every day in prayer to allow the Holy Spirit to fill you. Second, let the Spirit know that you are available to do something today, or to say something today if He will help you do it. Remember… God knows your strengths and your weaknesses. If He is going to have a tiny brained person like me talk to someone about Christ, He is going to do a lot of leading. More likely, all the talking. My only jobs are going to war with sin, spending time in prayer, and being available.

                      Fourth, people who insist on being filled with the Spirit quit 10 times as often as others. Why? #1 because the Holy Spirit helps us to be in God’s will. #2 Because now they have something great “to do.” #3 Because now the Holy Spirit is becoming a constant help in the war against sin. #4 Because now they again experience their “First love,” and start to increase in joy. And it is great.

                      Finally, if you are a rebel like I was a few years ago, being filled is a long process. But… everyone can do some of these steps and get more filled-with-the-spirit. Today, set your goals for what steps you are willing to do. It will help.

                      in reply to: A 21 Day Program #18271

                        Day 21
                        Here are the next 3 verses to pray over for 20 minutes:
                        Luke 21:34 ESV “But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap.
                        Romans 13:13 ESV Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy.
                        Ephesians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

                        How do we live in truth daily?

                        #1 Read the Bible. But, also pray constantly about God’s ways. God’s commands are good. We usually believe that statement except when we are fighting one of the commands. Instead, take the command you are fighting and say, #1 This command _________ (fill in the blank with the command you struggle with) is also good. My life will 100% be better when I learn to follow it. #2 Say, God, you are my miracle, my provider, and my joy. #3 Say, “God’s ways are best and they start to lead me toward joy.”

                        What statements/prayers can you focus on that will lead you toward truth?

                        Second, put on Christian music. Sinful music can easily lead you away from truth. Christian music can often lead you toward truth.

                        Third, practice rapid repentance. I wish I was like Paul or Joseph from the Bible (Righteous people), but maybe their trick was rapid repentance.

                        The habit of rapid repentance helps us understand why we should live life God’s way. Until we practice rapid repentance, joy will be a mystery.

                        Fourth, when you have fully repented, ask the Holy Spirit to be your guide. He has a purpose for you.

                        Finally, we live in truth when we spend time with other believers. Other believers are usually strong in a different aspect of Christianity than we are. Learn how to love, be humble, have faith, or do good works by watching other believers. If they are a powerhouse, loving Christian, get to know them and find out why. Do they have more joy than you? Find out why. Biblical Paul was filled with joy. Why? Because he was way better at living in truth than I am.
                        Finally, complete all the daily steps listed on day one.

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