The Race | Stop The Addictions
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The Race

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    • #17634

        Hebrews 6 encourages us to build on the foundation that our faith has created. We are quitting to please God, but what next? In this great chapter, Paul is exhorting us to take our faith to a higher level. Step one in doing this is to plan to take it to a new level. My dad always said to pray:

        “Father, help me to care about souls.”

        Now, his advice was a bit premature because I had no idea how to go to war against sin. But, on this site, we all have access to information about how to go to war with our habits. But, if we are not thinking about a higher level, quitting becomes way harder. This prompted me to write a prayer that I completely love:

        “Father, take away this spirit of intoxication, and help me to care about souls.”

        Second, what does caring about souls look like? It looks like you, having a great love relationship with God so that you can do what He created you to do. The only question is… are you willing to do that? If you don’t think you are able to do anything for God then you need to memorize this next verse. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

        Why did God pick Moses to lead the Israelites to freedom? He couldn’t even talk to strangers. He picked Moses because Moses knew that all he was, was clay in the Potter’s hand. He did nothing except being willing to do what God said he could do.

        Third, if you are willing to be clay in the Potter’s hand consider praying often:

        “Father, take away this spirit of intoxication, and help me to care about souls.”

        Moses spent time in the wilderness developing his love relationship with God. The more he developed it the more he was prepared to change the world.

        Finally, go to war with bad habits, develop your love relationship, and be willing to someday do something great.

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