The #1 Tip | Stop The Addictions
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The #1 Tip

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    • #18075

        People use 100 different ways to try to quit. Let’s assume you are a murderer. For your whole life your family and church have taught you: “Pray these prayers, then pray about being a better person.”

        They are correct, but their timeline may be a little off. Let’s assume you pray all of these great prayers, you pray for your family, for health, and wisdom. 30 minutes later you feel a bit better and you are done. 6 days later you murder someone again. What went wrong?

        Instead, repent first. If intoxication is your sin search “Verses drinking” and pick a verse. Pray over this verse for 5 minutes. Allow God to teach you a new way during these 5 minutes. Allow the scripture to pound the darkness out of you during these 5 minutes.

        Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

        Pounding the darkness out with scripture is how we acknowledge that this scripture is true. Let’s go back to our killer. After his latest killing his mom tells him, “Son, you better repent or you are going straight to hell.” She gives him this #1 tip. Immediately, he searches “Verses murder” and prays over them. He repents before God as he prays. For the first time in a long time, he realizes what he has done. For the first time in a long time, he feels the Holy Spirit right there with him. For the first time in a long time, he no longer feels driven by his sin.

        Second, why is this the #1 tip? Because, when you pray without repenting, these principalities, powers, rulers and spiritual hosts of wickedness are being allowed to sit there waiting for you to finish your prayer. Then shortly after you finish praying they are whispering in your ear again.

        Third, panic… they are stronger than you. Practice real repentance.

        Finally, realize, that it is vital to do this #1 tip. That way, at least the powers from that verse will start to think about not bugging you anymore.

      • #18138

          Jesus fasted and prayed “Before” temptation. Jesus instantly quoted scripture regarding the temptation to satan when He was tempted.

          Before temptation, it is wise to have a couple of scriptures from (Google search “Verses drinking/drugs”) memorized.

          Consider fasting from food and memorizing a couple of verses, or fasting from TV, or from your computer.

          When tempted “instantly” quote quitting verses. In Jesus temptation in Matthew 4, He did not consider His options for even 1 second, He instantly quoted specific Bible verses that fought off the temptation.

          Key point: Put in the work, prayer, and memorization “Before” the temptation happens.

          Secondly, satan tempts us with what we want. Psalm 1 says “Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law does he meditate day and night.” #1 Consider setting a goal to be blessed. #2 Meditate often on the verses that will set you free (Which will also start you toward blessings). #3 Remember, satan tempts us with what we want. How can he continue tempting you if blessings are what you want? If he tries to continue, he will be fighting God’s very Word, and His promises. Satan is smart, he will bother you less, and find easier victims. Consider praying often:

          “Lord, help me to use Your technique for fighting off temptation.”

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