Insist on finding God. Some say, “He is right there.” Sure, behind 3 miles of garbage or distractions filling my mind.
David (When he was right) praised God for 15, 30, or 45 minutes per day. He did this:
#1 Because it started him on a path toward joy.
#2 The Bible says to do it.
#3 God deserves the praise.
#4 Praise is saying “Thank you” for being a great God.
#5 Praise invites God’s presence.
#6 It starts to lift our spirit and mood.
#7 It takes our minds off of our problems, allowing us to focus on His greatness, and plans.
#8 It starts to “Fix” our broken minds. Then we can more easily follow His ways, which will then lead to blessing.
What if you replace 20% of your bad thoughts with praise? Note: Even after the bad thought has started, you can repent and praise God. Just stop the bad thought, and say, “Father, I am so sorry.” Then say “Praise the Lord,” a few times.
What if you replace 50% of your bad thoughts with praise? What if you replace 99% of your bad thoughts with praise? The more you do it, the easier it is to quit.
This topic was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by timcia.