Prayer | Stop The Addictions
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    • #18294

        A two-way prayer consists of a Godly trait we want, plus what God wants, or commands. Example:
        “Father, help me to fight thoughts of ______, and to replace them with thoughts of love.”
        In this prayer God wants my thoughts changed, and I want to increase in love.
        Today, consider writing your own two-way prayer. Step one: What positive Godly trait do you want to improve in? Step two: What starts you down the slippery slope toward your habit? Write a sentence about fighting that. Step three, put both sides in a prayer. It may be long and complicated today, but over time you will refine it more and more.
        Second, you can and should repeat this prayer often, but with every repetition, you must be completely sincere with a full desire to change.
        Third, it is wise to “Always” fight temptation with your scripture verse “First.” That is following Jesus example. Scripture is way more powerful, and using it first activates prayer. When I start to understand scripture, prayer starts to be powerful.
        Matthew 26:41 ESV Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
        If you pray enough, you “May not enter into temptation.” Identify situations where temptation will be rising. I pray fervently to prepare for tough situations.
        Fact: I am only average at fighting off temptation, but I have skills in preparing for temptation. I attack, and attack and attack. I get very busy quoting my verse and praying my prayer.
        Romans 12:12 ESV Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
        Probably only 1 in 500 of readers are constant in prayer, and if that is you… You are ahead of me. For the rest of us, we need to at least be constant in prayer in situations where we are tempted. Consider praying:
        “Father, help me to have the habit of being constant in prayer before (and during) temptation.”
        James 5:16 ESV The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

        The more we go to war with sin, the more our prayer will have “Great power as it is working.” If our prayers start to have great power, what will that help us quit?
        Today, consider finding, or writing a short prayer that perfectly applies to your situation. Then attack with a specific Bible verse, plus that prayer. It really works.

      • #18295

          Your timing could not be more perfect. I really needed to hear this. Great approach to our sin.

          Thank you.

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