We often forget love because we are obsessed with pleasure. In full addiction, our love/pleasure ratio is a low 1-5 rating. Our example Jesus Christ was always a perfect 100 rating.
To understand this ratio lets assume that our life is a house with 7 rooms.
Jonny just started trying to quit. He has a small room where he reads a chapter in his Bible daily. A small room where he prays daily, and a big room where he is now determined to find cleaner pleasure. He also has a small room where he fights habits daily at this site.
Let’s give him a love/pleasure ratio of 19. He is trying, but he has a lot of empty rooms…
Billy is determined to quit. He has a medium-sized room where he reads a chapter in the New and a chapter in the Old Testament in the Bible daily. He also has a small room where he sometimes goes to the verses for quitting when tempted. He has a medium room where he tries to have a block of prayer every day. He also has a medium room where he sometimes studies love often. He also has a medium room where he always goes to church.
Let’s give him a love/pleasure ratio of 40. Lots of good stuff, but something will fill those empty rooms.
Oscar is obsessed with quitting. He has a large sized room where he reads a chapter in the New and a chapter in the Old Testatment in the Bible daily. He also has a room where he meditates daily on key verses. He also has a large room where he always goes to the verses for quitting when tempted. He has a large room where he always has a block of prayer every day. He also has a large room where he studies love daily. He also has a large room where he always goes to church every time it is open. He also has a large room where he is obsessed with finding his purpose.
With this limited information we could give him a love/pleasure ratio of anywhere between 62 and 84. He has no empty rooms for satan to sneak into. He is very busy thinking about a lot of other good things.
Finally, when we have a high love/pleasure ratio we will also have a high amount of pleasure. With no destruction added.