Is the Bible or Prayer more important for quitting | Stop The Addictions
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Is the Bible or Prayer more important for quitting

Home Forums subs Catholic’s Finding Sobriety Forum Is the Bible or Prayer more important for quitting

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    • #17992

        The Bible is more important for quitting if you pray a lot and don’t do what the Bible says. Prayer is an unused weapon if all you do is go to church and read a chapter of the Bible every day. The point is… satan wins when we are unbalanced in either direction. Most every person reading this is unbalanced and is on one side or the other (including the writer).

        Some of you would be shocked to learn that my unbalance is not enough scripture and plenty of prayer. Since I more often tell you to read and study scripture all of the time. Why? Because I am trying to be more balanced.

        Satan will use whatever you don’t do enough to keep you in bondage.

        Second, and this is just my opinion. Satan hates it when we study the Bible and when we pray, but he prefers for us to be unbalanced with less Bible study. Why? I spent decades praying about my habit. Also, praying about anger, and greed. But then, in a moment of clarity, I started attacking these issues with Bible verses about them.

        I am not saying prayer did not work for me. It did. I prayed and prayed and prayed about anger and God delivered me from that. But if you ask me today how to attack your anger, I will tell you to first look up verses on anger so that you can study, meditate and dwell on them until Jesus’ truth about anger starts filling you up. Then, pray, pray, and pray consistently about anger to prepare for your next temptation.

        But… I had such a stronghold in one area. Prayer alone did not work for me. The truth is, I really needed all that prayer, plus a focus on purpose, plus those Bible verses to pound it out of me.

        Third; today, be honest about which discipline you don’t do enough. Then consider praying:

        “Father, show me how to be balanced.”

        If you are a Bible pounder and you don’t know how to pray. You are going to be shocked by what happens when you dig into prayer. If you love to pray and never give the Bible a thought other than a quick chapter a day. You will be shocked by the power it brings you when you dig into scripture about things you want changed in your life (It works better when the things are God’s will).

        Satan wants you unbalanced. Satan wants you in bondage.

        Jesus wants you balanced. Being balanced more than doubles your weapons of warfare.

        Double your weapons today, and determine to change your former lack of balance into a current strength. It will be a great decision.

        • This topic was modified 11 months ago by timcia.
      • #18062

          We are always fighting 2 battles. One with our flesh, and the other with satan. Pastor Jack Hayford said, “You can’t cast out the flesh, and you can’t disciple a demon.”
          First, how do most demonic battles look? They are often a demon whispering to us, “Think about that, that is spectacular. That is what you want, what you have to have.”
          The Bible is clear, some people are demon possessed. But, in addition to that, many people are oppressed to a lesser or greater degree.
          Second, if we treat demonic warfare the same as our warfare with the flesh we will get into trouble. The Bible says:
          Matthew 12:43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
          44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
          45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.”
          The key word in this passage is “empty.” The person in this example repented, but then did not start to do God’s will. Did not start to seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
          Third, whether you have a demon, or are harassed by one, you can get it out. They hate the verses for quitting. I will never forget the day I printed those verses out. I printed them, and decided to attack back when tempted. When tempted I was going to get those verses out and start studying.
          I was shocked by how my temptations changed. Sure… I wanted to consider my options, but now I was not being driven toward my habit. I was not enslaved like I had been. It was now a fair fight. A fight I wanted to win.
          Fourth, when I say we must “Pound things (darkness) out,” I am referring to demonic harassment. They won’t leave you alone until you pound them in a way they hate.
          Fifth, demons of lust hate verses about lust. Demons of drinking hate verses about drinking. Demons of covetousness, hate verses about covetousness. They are smart, they know you are submitting to God by quoting these (Very hard) verses. They know you are learning about them, learning about the destruction, learning about their darkness. Learning how to break the very chains they put on you.
          Finally, most importantly, seek your purpose fervently. Seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit fervently. That way… When they check on you they say, “Not much room here for me. This house is full. I am not going to check on them as often in the future.”
          After that, it is a fair fight.

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