Weight loss success: day 28
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Weight loss success: day 28

Lives become unmanageable when we can’t use our feelings appropriately. If we insist on feeling a certain way based on external events we will continue with our habits.

If we insist on thinking a certain way no matter what we start to control our destiny. When we develop a habit of thinking a certain way we can next develop a habit of planning our actions is a more concrete way. I sometimes have such a lack of control of my thinking/feelings that I write what I “should think” on a paper 40 times.

For example Bill is a self-employed house handy man free from out of control eating for 15 days. But today things are not going well and all he can think about is eating. But he 100% knows that out of control behavior is ruining his health. But he can’t stop thinking about eating. He also has a job he needs to work on today, but he 100% does not care because all he can think about is going to the unlimited buffet. In a last ditch effort he calls his pastor.

His pastor says: “you need to focus on something else. Has your life been better in the last 15 days? Are you sleeping better, are relationships better, is your health better? What can you do today for 15 minutes to start to turn this around?

Bill said: “for a few minutes I am going to write down what is better in my life. Then I will know what I should do today. Then I am going to write down 40 times what I will do today.” He then proceeds to write 40 times: work, pool, Ronny, LCM, BS, 12, LTH. Which translates as: work 9-5, play a little pool, hang out with his buddy for a bit, soup for lunch – low cal meal at supper, Bible study and prayer, go to bed on time, which LTH (leads to happiness).

We all want to be happy. We just remain confused, thinking our addiction is a magic key to happiness.

Today: change your thinking, change your focus, do whatever it takes to accomplish this. Bill made it through the day. He ended the day with prayer and Bible study which changed his focus for the next day. Bill is gaining traction.

Read John 25, Proverbs 23 and 2nd Corinthians 9