Self-Control – Weight loss success: Day 29
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Self-Control – Weight loss success: Day 29

One Saturday Billy attended a seminar on self-control. At the seminar he was advised to repeat for a minute or two one of the following affirmations:

  1. I am fully in control of myself.
  2. I have the power to choose my emotions and thoughts.
  3. Self-control brings me inner strength and leads me to success.
  4. I am in control of my reactions.
  5. I am in charge of my behavior.
  6. I am gaining control of my emotions.
  7. Self-control is fun and pleasurable.

The next week he started to feel things slipping out of control, so he used these techniques several times. He also prayed: Father, take away my spirit of despair and help me to have a spirit of self-control 4 times over the course of the day. But right at 5 PM as usual he felt the depression start. His wife used to come home at 5 and now she is gone.

But he keeps fighting the depression and tries to watch a little TV. With that not working he tries to read. That fails as well. Finally a break. His buddy calls and asks if he wants to get a bite to eat. He suggests a place that has healthy choices. He goes and to make a long story short – his evening improves and he makes it through the evening without falling into out of control addiction. At midnight he is home alone and able to keep a good relationship with God and he worships his way to sleep and is quite content with life.

Many people would look at this story and say – no great answer to prayer there. But; Billy did not give up and get him-self into trouble with out of control eating. And he made a bit of improvement with his emotions. And if he thanks God for the slightly improved self-control, maybe next time God will remind him to come home and have Bible study, pray for other people’s lives to improve and be saved. And next time he will start off at the key temptation point determined to help others and he will have less time to worry about his own problems.

Remez Sasson says that: “your self-control will improve considerably, if you work on developing and strengthening your willpower and self-discipline through appropriate exercises. This is actually the most important step for developing self-control.

By developing and strengthening your willpower and self-discipline, you develop and strengthen your self-control. Click here for a powerful training program, with full information, advice, instructions and exercises for gaining inner strength and self-control.” A lot of great idea’s from Remez Sasson.

If you want more on this subject read the following below:

              How to Develop and Strengthen Your Self-Control

Remez Sasson noted the following on self-control:

When self-control is used wisely and with common sense, it becomes one of the most important tools for self-improvement and for achieving success.

Self-control puts you in control of your life, your behavior, and your reactions. It improves your relationships, develops patience and tolerance, and is an important tool for attaining success and happiness.


In what way does self-control helps you?

  • It keeps in check self-destructive, addictive, obsessive and compulsive behavior.
  • Gives you a sense of mastery over your life, and brings balance into your life.
  • Self-control helps to keep over-emotional responses in check or moderation.
  • It enables to control moods and reject negative feelings and thoughts.
  • Self-control strengthens self-esteem, confidence, inner strength, self-mastery and willpower.
  • It enables you to take charge of your life.

Obstacles to self-control:

  • Reacting to outside stimuli, without thinking first.
  • Lack of the desire to change and improve.
  • Considering self-control as a limiting and unpleasant activity.
  • The belief that self-control eliminates fun.
  • Lack of faith in oneself and in one’s abilities.

Developing self control

1) First you need to identify in what areas of your life you need to gain more self-control. Where do you find yourself lacking in self-control?

2) Try identifying the emotions that lack control, such as anger, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, resentment, pleasure or fear.

3) Identify the thoughts and beliefs that push you to behave in uncontrolled manner.

4) Several times a day, especially when you need to display self-control, repeat for a minute or two one of the following affirmations:

  1. I am fully in control of myself.
  2. I have the power to choose my emotions and thoughts.
  3. Self-control brings me inner strength and leads me to success.
  4. I am in control of my reactions.
  5. I am in charge of my behavior.
  6. I am gaining control of my emotions.
  7. Self-control is fun and pleasurable.When you make it a habit to remind yourself, “self-control brings me more pleasure over the course of the week.” You will be on your way to success.

A wise man once said that if you have a person on fire for Christ you could put anything on them and they would shake it off and still accomplish their God given purpose. So he is saying you could put on them a habit of Drugs, drinking, food, gambling, sex, porn or anything else and they would shake it off.

Why could this be true? First of all they would know for sure that they must find and accomplish their purpose. Most of us are content with doing a little bit for God here or there.

2nd they spend a lot of time in prayer. They find joy and purpose and direction from prayer. It is a priority for them.

They think that Bible reading is as important as eating. They know it changes them rapidly when they rapidly repent. They always strive to do what it says.

They find a good preacher on the TV or internet who can fill them with wisdom and they listen regularly. Robert Morris has a million sermons out there and they are very good. James McDonald is very good as well.

However one huge reason they would shake off addiction is because they have the Holy Spirit all over them and that makes them unstoppable.

If we continue to look at borderline sinful things, think about borderline sinful thoughts, take part in borderline sinful actions. If we do that we will only have a tiny bit of the Holy Spirit and we will struggle with addictions.

Spirit filled people know what they have and what they want. Most don’t know what they have and are currently very mixed up about what they want.


I want what Adam and Eve had before they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. But I will only get it if I change what I do every day. I will only get it if I live how God wants me to live.

Read Matthew 1, 2nd Corinthians 10 and Proverbs 24