Work on | Stop The Addictions
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Work on

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    • #18206

        Life happens and then temptation happens. We need to be ready when work is a mess, school is a mess, relationships are a mess, along with 100 others things that can go wrong. Over the last 2 months, I have written about 20 things to work on that assist in quitting. For most people, it is normal to work on something like praising God for a day or two, and then to forget about it.

        The person who is going to “Be Ready” is working on several things and has been working on these changes for several weeks. They probably have a written plan. Now maybe you are not the type of person who will write down a plan in a notebook, pull it out and follow your plan every day. But, if you are not, my question is, do you want to be happy?

        “I buffet my body and make it my slave…lest I myself should be disqualified.” (1 Corinthians 9:27) When we force ourselves to learn new habits we are buffeting our bodies. noted the following:

        “Temptation should not take us by surprise. We should expect it to come, and we should be preparing ourselves each day for the battle. We need to “see the evil and hide,” rather than proceeding and paying the penalty (Proverbs 22:3). For example, if you are tempted by lustful thoughts, know that you will be tempted if you go to a movie with lewd content or stare at a person or gaze at a magazine. Anticipate how and when you will be tempted, and avoid exposing yourself to it.”
        “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23)”

        Review old articles and pick 3 habits to practice for 30 days. That way, when life happens, you will have increased your odds of success exponentially.

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