Trust God | Stop The Addictions
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Trust God

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    • #18146

        Abraham trusted God and was starting to offer his son as a sacrifice until God sent a lamb instead. Joseph trusted God and ran instantly from sin. Why? Because he knew exactly what God thought about the sin satan was tempting him with:
        1 Corintians 3:14“ If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. 16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”
        Joseph knew verse 17, but he also knew verse 14. #1 he “knew” God had a great work for him to do. #2 He knew lust, wrongful pleasure, and sin would ruin him.
        Second, Joseph “knew” God would reward him for doing God’s will (purpose) because he had done God’s will many times, and had been rewarded many times. Note: We will receive an even greater reward in heaven for what we do down here, but, God also blesses those who do His will down here.
        Third, Joseph was busy preparing to do what God wanted him to do.
        God has something important for every person to do. Joseph spent a block of time praying about what God wanted him to do. Then he did what God wanted him to do.
        Fourth, you and I are not Joseph, but if we think and pray more about what God wants us “To do” we will start to understand the right way to live.
        Fifth, your purpose is vitally important. Consider praying:
        “Father, help me to go to AA/NA meetings, and show me how important my purpose is.”
        Sixth, God does not think small things about you. We come up with small ideas ourselves.
        Seventh, we do start small, Joseph continued to pray and trust God when he was thrown into a pit by his brothers. Later right before he was going to save Israel he was again thrown into jail. His small purpose was with other prisoners. Then… he got out and saved Israel (with God’s help).
        Finally, consider thinking and praying often about your reward for doing God’s will. Consider reviewing verses 16 and 17 often to remember what happens with sin, and then spend time with God in prayer and in scripture so that he will give you a great purpose and a great life.

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