Be prepared to fight bad thoughts everywhere. There you are, at Walmart, and there it is, a cart filled with booze. Be 100% aware, if you stare at it or think about it, this increases temptation for slipping 100%.
The Bible says to “Cast down arguments.” At Walmart, the argument is, “I want to look at this.” That’s your flesh talking. But we must fight back, turn, and replace that thought.
Second, if you think 100 wrong thoughts about your habit, it is your job to “Cast down” these 100 wrong thoughts.
Third, Jimmy Evans said, “Any thought that you don’t take captive will take you captive.” Consider memorizing that sentence.
Fourth, God wants us to take thoughts captive “By force.” Attack, attack attack. Satan will always attack you. Now… always attack him back.
Fifth, Jimmy said, “We must have relevant scripture loaded in our heads to replace bad thoughts.” For this great video click.
That is a wise thought.
Finally, when you read articles, always consider writing out a “Shortlist” of things you can use from the article every day from now on. Write out two short things from the article and then pray about and determine to quote and pray about these two things tomorrow and this week. You may also always add something like, “Learn the habit of praising the Lord” as your third item for every day. But the key is… Keep it short and do it in real life.