Today I am praying the prayer of Jabez often. The prayer is:
“Lord, please expand my borders, and bless me indeed.”
Why did Jabez pray that? My guess is because he had experienced God’s blessing and thought it was great. He had seen God’s hand on his life and the results gave him joy.
Second, you need something special in your life. Something that makes you finally say, “This is the top of the pyramid. This is the key I have been looking for. This is why I will quit.”
When we are determined to expand our borders (find our God given purpose), the Holy Spirit is right there with us. Right now if your life is good, having the Holy Spirit closer makes it even better. But if life is hard, if relationships are hard, if everything stinks… having the Holy Spirit closer makes life wayyyyyyy better.
Today, consider writing your own three versions of this prayer. Something like:
“Father, help me to turn from drinking/drugs, please expand my borders, and bless me indeed.”
“Father, show me the destruction drinking/drugs causes me, please expand my borders, and bless me indeed.”
“Father, show me how to live so that we can have a great relationship, please expand my borders, and bless me indeed.”
Jesus wants a close special relationship with you. Consider praying these prayers often because when you are in full pursuit of your purpose, you will have no more need for any of satan’s short-term deceptions.