The Magic Lever | Stop The Addictions
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The Magic Lever

Home Forums subs Catholic’s Finding Sobriety Forum The Magic Lever

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    • #17573

        What if we could pull a magic lever and never be tempted by our addiction ever again? While there is no magic lever , in some ways there is a lever. Some have pulled it 55% of the way down, others 65%, others 80% but only a few pull it 100% of the way down. The reason the lever is not pulled all the way down is because the farther we pull it the harder it gets to continue.
        55% pull – many have developed some skill in fighting addiction. Changed thinking, awareness of triggers etc. Other have that plus have added a real relationship with Jesus including Bible study and prayer – putting them at 65%. Temptation gets lighter.
        Others have all that plus now they are fighting to find their purpose, and help others. A new light filled way of life and an 80% pull. Temptation has decreased quite a bit – they have a lot of others important things to focus on.
        Proverbs talks about a 100% pull:   Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
        Consider reading this daily or memorizing it.
        In all your ways submit to him: this is where the pull gets really hard. But remember the reward “He will make your paths straight.” We all underestimate how great our lives will be when He makes our paths straight.
        I know someone who always Trusts and always submits to God. Their life is great and they are always filled with joy. But it is really hard work to submit in all your ways. Are you up for the challenge?
        Church is often an important factor in overcoming addiction. The right Priest is even more important. We should consider attending a Church that will consistently help us to fight addiction. A Church that will help us to never look back at the addiction that has caused us much pain and destruction. A Church that has wise counsel so that we can learn rapidly. 
        Finally, study that verse until you can give your lever a hard pull.

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