Solutions | Stop The Addictions
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    • #18390

        Today, consider spending an hour in prayer praying about exactly what sends you down that slippery slope. What people, places, things, emotions, or _______ set you up for a fall?
        Second, what changes can you make to overcome these issues?
        Third, you need physical changes for physical problems. Emotional changes for emotional issues, and spiritual changes for spiritual problems. Search Google for help with specific problems. Search “Verses _______” for help with specific problems.
        Fourth, do you need a whole new set of activities? If you always watch risky TV, phone, and computer stuff, you will likely continue a porn habit. Consider searching activities on Google if you need new activities.
        Fifth, your new life and activities are your work for the next 30-60 days. Never check if you are having as much fun as you could have with ______. Your lusts will tell you that _______ is way more exciting, satan will tell you that _____ is way more fun. Instead, pray for a few minutes and ask God about the destruction that ______ causes. Ask Him about the joy that you can start to have. Then continue with the new activities (work) until they start to become more fun.
        Sixth, pray about, then write down exactly what makes you fall. Keep adding to that list all year. Keep praying about how you can react in better ways to the things on that list that you can’t avoid. Pray about avoiding the things that you can avoid.
        Finally, consider thinking about these solutions all week instead of thinking endlessly about _______.

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