Repent | Stop The Addictions
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    • #18286

        If you study Matthew 7 you see that repentance is a consistent condition of those who go to heaven. Recently, I have realized that when I wake up in the morning, my mind is dark and wanting sin. Why? The Bible says that satan is the ruler of this world.
        To fight against him, we must constantly repent and start again, even when a new day starts. Consider praising the Lord for a few minutes to start your day right.
        Second, 1st Corinthians says that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
        Revelations 12 calls satan “The one deceiving the whole world. Satan will tell you: That verse means ______. Do not be deceived. Keep reading the verse until “You” know what it means. Don’t listen to what people say.
        Is the person “explaining” that verse deceived by satan? Well, since the “Whole world” is deceived by satan, certainly, most of the people explaining verses might be deceived.
        Third, do you want to “know” what verses mean?
        #1 Keep reading key verses over and over again.
        #2 Ask God what they mean.
        #3 Read them again “after” you have fully repented.
        #4 Look up Bible commentary on the verse. Often these experts are looking right at the Greek, and usually it is hard for them to steer too far from the truth.
        #5 Pray over the verse, or verses for 5 or 10 minutes.
        Fourth, most of us are not going to measure up to the Bible verse that says, “Be ye perfect.” But we can try, try, and try again.
        Fifth, that verse says that the Bible standard is trying to be perfect, trying to be righteous.
        Sixth, when we are trying to do God’s will, we start to understand why we need to try harder to go to war against sin. When Jesus spoke about who would inherit the Kingdom of heaven, He said, “Only those who do the will of the Father.” Consider praying:
        “Father, help me to fight sin, and show me Your will.”
        It would be hard to pray that one too much.
        Seventh, here is the link to the sermon this article is based loosely on. Note: If you are not pastor Steve’s religion, me neither. But, he is a man of God, and it is a great sermon.
        Finally, repent, repent, and repent again. God wants people who are moving forward. I am committed to moving forward, and to trying even harder every day.

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