Preparing like the Rock, Dwayne Johnson | Stop The Addictions
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Preparing like the Rock, Dwayne Johnson

Home Forums subs Christians Finding Sobriety and Purpose Forum Preparing like the Rock, Dwayne Johnson

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    • #18232

        Forming new habits is a huge challenge. We see someone with the discipline to resist overindulgence and we think: How in the world do they do that?
        I watched “The Rock” in the hit film Jungle Cruise. He is in great shape and has big muscles. How does he do that?
        The Rock brings his own gym to movie sets. Sure it prob is a tent, but he brings all his weights to movie sets. He lifts weights “preparing” to have a great build. But, what few people realize, is that he is preparing long before that. He prepares by planning. He plans very specific workouts. He prepares by being emotionally fired up. He prepares by having a strick diet plan. He prepares by eating a lot of lean protein. He prepares by avoiding sugar and alcohol.
        Second, the Rock said,”I’m very prepared and organized, and everything is planned out in advance.”
        I have been around people like him, and they think about and prepare for what they are going to do “All of the time.” I am pretty sure the Rock thinks about how he will look, and how strong he is going to be “All of the time.” Before he lifts one weight he is 1000% ready to do everything it takes to achieve what he has been thinking about “All of the time.” Millions of people try to be like the rock, but very few succeed. Why, because, they are merely following his workout routine, they don’t think and plan about what they will do “All of the time.”
        Today, I am trying to form a new habit. To form this habit I am saying the word “Preparing” “All of the time.” Why? Because, forming new habits are really hard. We can’t pray, “Father, help me to turn from thoughts of _______” every minute of when we are watching a movie, or pray it every minute when we are out and about, but I can say “Preparing” 777 times per day. Then we can take more urgent action when temptation rises.
        What are we preparing for?
        #1 To fight back with specific scripture when temptation starts to overwhelm.
        #2 To fight back with prayers when temptation starts to ramp up.
        #3 To be ready to read more articles here, instead of giving up.
        #4 To be ready to start alternative activities and stick with them no matter what.
        #5 To be ready to replace thoughts of _______ with great thoughts (Consider having a list of at least 5 better thoughts ready in your phone/notes/quitting notebook etc, based on other articles or scripture).
        Third, what habit for quitting are you trying to form? How many times are you willing to say “Preparing” as a reminder that you plan to execute your plan.
        Finally, I am will to say it constantly. I want to do everything in my power to start to form new habits this week. Today, consider using the “Preparing” method with one of the above 5 quitting techniques, or with another that you want to have. The more you prepare, the quicker you will gain that habit.

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