Pleasure | Stop The Addictions
Pleasure | Stop The Addictions
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    • #18323

        Today I am reviewing the video “A quick way to overcome addiction.” Firstly, while this video is not perfect, it is very helpful with several great ideas.

        The video states that when we do a pleasurable activity for a while, our dopamine spikes. Then, after we quit, our dopamine crashes to a level that was even lower than what our level was before we started.

        This crash causes, a lack of motivation, tiredness, anxiety, a difficulty feeling pleasure from other experiences that formerly gave pleasure, a feeling of hopelessness, trouble sleeping, and more.

        Then they recommend doing nothing (rest, relaxation) until your dopamine recovers.

        Second, I agree that when we do pleasurable sinful activities, or activities in excess, that their theory, makes sense.

        However, quitting is 51% what we “do,” and 49% what we stop doing. Can we do pleasurable activities without draining dopamine?


        I recommend a block of prayer about purpose, quitting sin habits, increasing in love, and many other Christian things. My dopamine rises when I pray. My pleasure increases. But… it also stays high after I stop praying.

        I recommend reading through the Bible in one year (About 5 chapters per day). You can find Bibles that show you how, articles, apps, etc. For me, my pleasure increases when I read the Bible because I strongly want to learn how to change. When we sincerely read the Bible with a desire that the Holy Spirit increases in us, it will give us pleasure. Again, our pleasure increases all day because of this activity. Note: Reading the Bible only increases our pleasure after we submit to God, and want to do His will.

        Third, when I work on praising the Lord, and giving thanks, my dopamine increases. But, it stays high as long as I do things God’s way, and keep praising Him.

        Fourth, when I set an alarm and pray every 30 minutes:

        “Father, help me to fight thoughts of _______, and fill me with Your love.”

        Note: Have 1-2 replacement thoughts, or verses ready every day.

        When Jesus increases His love in us our dopamine rises. Once again, it does not crash, it stays high.

        When I truly fight and struggle to do things God’s way, to try to struggle to help other, to try to do what He wants. Dopamine rises. But the Spirit rises in us as well. No crash.

        Obviously, we need to be ready to follow Jesus for all of these things to work magically as written. Obviously, we still will get tired at some point. But, when we do things God’s way we might actually be able to sleep for a change.

        The Challenge

        It took me quite a while to get all of these habits fully in place.

        Second, I was not fully dedicated at first, so I did not fully get perfect results.

        Third, I was a hopeless addict, going back to my habit, consistently. When we keep going back, and going back, our joy will be limited for a season even when we do right.


        Consider working on forming healthy habits first every day. Consider working on finding “glimpses” of joy every day. See what it is like to live “In the Light” instead of in the sewer. Notice how good life has become because you did a few things right.

        Finally, it’s a great video, lots of great points, and… if you tap deeply into Christianity, you can add to those great ideas, and have a far superior way of quitting.

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