Overwhelmed | Stop The Addictions
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    • #17643

        The heroin addict says I can’t help myself, I could not resist. Some scoff at that, but I believe them. Once they allow life to overwhelm them, they can’t say no.
        Yesterday I allowed something to overwhelm me, and at some point, I knew God was not thrilled with me. Background, I have my line in the sand that I refuse to cross, but is “My line” exactly where God wants it to be. Not likely.
        Today I am starting a strickter line. I often say, “Always work on the habit of thinking about Christian things.” Yesterday I was duped into getting sloppy again. Today, I am upping the standards again, and… the Holy Spirit doesn’t seem a million miles away (like He did yesterday).
        Second, for some, risky TV overwhelms, bad finances do, strained relationships overwhelm, or, bad thoughts get us. Consider spending 5 minutes to pray about and write down what overwhelms you.
        Third, how often can you resist after you are overwhelmed?
        Fourth, do you have access to information on how to go to war with what overwhelms you? Can you systematically look through old articles to see how to attack the problem? Today, consider making it a goal to go through “x” amount of articles daily to start to make a list of how to attack what overwhelms you.
        Fifth, consider doing a Google search “Verses ____.” Fill in the blank with what overwhelms you. Then you can study, pray over, and print out verses that will solve one of the biggest things that bring you down.

        Sixth, James 3:2 For we all stumble and sin in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says [never saying the wrong thing], he is a perfect man [fully developed in character, without serious flaws], able to bridle his whole body and rein in his entire nature [taming his human faults and weaknesses].” Consider praying twice daily:
        “Father, take away this spirit of intoxication, and help me to control my tongue.”

        Finally, make it a priority to collect information that helps you battle things that overwhelm you. Doing so will give you more things to turn to when bad things happen.

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