What if Jesus was magically transformed into an addict? Furthermore, what if He decided he wanted to maximize His pleasure for one month? So the question is… would He still quit ______ if He truly had that goal?
To get the answer we need to understand Jesus’ belief about scripture. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. For us, we sinned, we did not die, we are confused. Jesus is not confused by the scripture. He knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that with sin something always dies, or starts to die, or partially dies.
Jesus would also know that the Bible says that doing God’s will brings fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. So… just as you suspected, He would quit immediately.
We will struggle to believe the Scripture until we pound and pound it into us. Consider printing out and memorizing the following:
“Eve did not believe that the wages of sin is death. She sinned and ate the apple and something died, something started to die and something partially died.”
Instead, believe the Bible when it says that living God’s way leads to pleasures forevermore. Believing it, repeat it, live it, then do something good for someone the same way Jesus would.