Yesterday I struggled with a secondary habit. As I allowed what “I wanted” to do to take over, joy flew out the window. I did not experience any Godly joy, and I did not sleep well because of my excess.
Today I am repenting of my wrong actions and am making a better plan.
Instead of chasing the wind, I am praying:
“Father, help me to care about souls. Help me to help others.”
Romans 8:13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.”
Christians are often not taught to ask the Spirit:
“What do You want me to do.”
But, Christians who are “Led by the Spirit are the sons of God.”
Who/what are people who are not led by the Spirit?
Second, we go to war with sin because the Spirit is the Holy Spirit. Can we be led by the Spirit when sin is dominating us?
Third, what if every time you are tempted, you ask Jesus to:
“Show me Your will.”Or say:
“I want You to lead me.”
Fourth, people act like doing this is optional. They are right, but… Read the verse again. Live your way and something dies, starts to die, or partially dies. Plus there are problems on judgment day.
Go to war with sin, and make discovering what God wants you to do a huge priority.
Today, that is exactly what I am doing, and my joy is already increasing.