It’s Like Fire | Stop The Addictions
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It’s Like Fire

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    • #18084

        Bad habits are like a massive fire. Imagine, you own 2 acres of property and it’s on fire. But in this scenario, only you can decide to put it out. If you do nothing, it will burn until everything is destroyed.
        If you keep thinking the same way the fire will keep roaring. Developing the habit of praising the Lord is a top 7 way to put water on the fire. This week consider thinking 5 times per day about developing new habits. This week, consider striving to “Praise the Lord,” 30 to 100 times per day.
        If drinking/drug thoughts plague you, pray with every bad thought:
        “Father, sorry for that, I praise You Lord.”
        Some feel overwhelmed because 666 bad thoughts plague them daily. You can pray this prayer sincerely every time… if you are committed to praying it sincerely time after time. Consider praying:
        “Father, I commit my thoughts to You.”
        What if someone, someday prays that prayer 500 times daily? What if they are obsessed with committing their thoughts to the One who created them? What will they have way less time to think about?
        Second, if you believe that drinking and drugs fire “will” destroy everything like I do, you will start thinking daily about what you are “committed to.”
        Third, the Chiefs won the Super Bowl again. Their star Patrick Mahomes said: “I give God the glory. Now we will start working on winning it again next year.” He is committed to God and God is blessing him. He is committed to working at reaching his goal again.
        Finally, think often about what you are committed to. Think often about forming the habit of praising the Lord. Every time you “think right,” you are dumping water on that fire. Continue to build that momentum, and someday the fire will go out.

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