Increase in Knowledge | Stop The Addictions
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Increase in Knowledge

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    • #17799

        Jonah had a bad day on top of his bad week. To make matters work he had to drive all over his old stomping grounds where temptation would be high. At first, he went to war with his old temptations – passing them by and praying earnestly. But he was totally exhausted and as time went by his enthusiasm started to wane. He started to pass a place of temptation and stared at it for a second. Soon thoughts of the old days popped up and he would entertain them for a few seconds before repelling them.

        Then to top it off he drove straight into a blizzard. He became quite distraught and he turned on his old heavy metal music (some of which was openly demonic). Driving into the storm he determined to never slow down. He passed car after car as he slipped all over the road.

        By the mercy of God, he made it home but upon arrival the temptation to sin was fierce. He did slip up with sin a bit but then he humbled himself before God and asked for forgiveness. This got him back on the right road and he stayed free from his main addiction.

        Second, Micah was also having a bad day on top of his bad week. He also had to drive all over his old stomping grounds where temptation would be high. At first he went to war with his old temptations – passing them by and praying earnestly. But then he started to pause to remember the old days. But – instead, he sat straight up in his seat and reversed his mindset. He determined to fight with everything he had. He prayed repeatedly: Father, help me to turn aggressively from temptation (please only pray while driving if it is safe for you). He prayed: Father, bring people to stoptheaddictions, help them to be given some answers. He prayed for his rehab clinic: Father, I pray that your hand would be on the people at Life challenge. Give them the wisdom they need to get clean.

        He prayed about the top 5 reasons he wanted to quit his addiction. He reviewed the top 5 ways his addiction brought him destruction. He reviewed his top 7 techniques for overcoming temptation.

        Both Micah and Jonah were determined to practice self-control. But Micah also added knowledge to his self-control. He is clean 39 weeks because he is a dedicated Christian now. He also is becoming an expert on techniques for quitting addiction.

        He also drove straight into a blizzard. But he felt calm and confident – it was as if the Holy Spirit was right there with him. He simply pulled into a safe lane and he continued to pray, and worship God, and later he listened to some great Christian music. He had not had peace like this in the past, but now that he had it, he really liked it.

        Determine to increase in knowledge during the good times. This will prepare you for a successful fight during the tough times.

        How can you increase in knowledge of your drug detox program and alcohol detox program?

        Read and pray over Matthew 17, and Acts 9-10

      • #18350

          Proverbs 14:16 A wise man fears and departs from evil.”
          Consider praying:
          “Father, fill me with Your wisdom”
          “Father, I commit to fearing evil. Help me to fear evil.”
          “Father, I commit to departing from evil. Help me to depart from evil.”
          The fear of the Lord is mentioned 24 times in the Bible. This week I am praying often to increase my fear of the Lord. The Bible says that the “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
          We spend countless hours thinking about things that lead back to ______.
          Instead, consider memorizing the above verse. Consider a commitment to wisdom. Consider a commitment to pray prayers based 100% on scripture.
          As always, feel free to print this out for personal use. Today I am committing to working on making these things habits.

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