Fun VS Joy | Stop The Addictions
Fun VS Joy | Stop The Addictions
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Fun VS Joy

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    • #18310

        Joy is long-term, and fun is short-term. Joy can (and should be) consistent, fun is always fleeting.
        Third, fun is usually okay, the problem is when fun is sinful, or if too much fun keeps us from doing God’s will (God insists that we do His will).
        Fourth, what is your #1 goal in life? Be honest.
        Very few people answer: Treasures in heaven, or doing God’s will. But if you want joy, consider researching how to do these great goals.
        Fifth, fun in excess, and sinful fun lead to destruction. Joy leads to pleasures and blessings.
        Psalm 16:11 In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
        Every time I say, “Doing this will increase the Holy Spirit in you,” you are doing something to increase God’s presence in your life. Note: We only enter God’s presence when we practice rapid repentance. Sin does not mix with His Holy presence.
        Psalm 16:11 ESV You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
        Sixth, do we miss out on fun if we always choose joy? Only very, very rarely. But… Satan will tell you 1000 times about how you are missing “All the fun,” on those rare occasions where you might miss out on a speck of fun.
        Seventh, the above verse tells us that doing things God’s way leads to pleasures forevermore.” Pleasures forevermore sounds like fun doesn’t it?
        Eighth, if you believe satan’s lies, you will also soon experience that doing things his way causes destruction. Choosing his short-term fun is a disaster.
        Finally, what will you change today to start on a new road of choosing joy instead of wrongful things?

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