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    • #18220

        We all struggle to believe that God’s ways are best. This week I am asking myself the question: “Why do I chase wrong things which keep me from joy and purpose.”
        Paul said, “I am the worst of sinners.” Why? Did he sin more than we do? No chance. But… He Knew, he completely knew, that his frivelousness kept him from more joy. Since he 100% knew the truth and still fell shore, he was in one way, the worst of sinners. I am starting to learn that, but it is like pulling teeth. I want what I want.
        This week I am planning to focus on Psalms one so that I am more focused on joy.
        Blessed he he who standeth not in the way of sinners, or sitteth at the seat of the scornful. But his belight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law doth he meditate day and night. Then it talks about the great blessings we will have when we do that, and how we will prosper.
        If you read Psalm 1:1-3, 3 times a day, you might just be inspired to live like it says to live. That would be good.

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