Sin gives satan legal entry to work in our lives. Once he is allowed “in” he will make a mess of everything. To start over, completely repent and fully commit to doing things God’s way. Once you have sincerely done this, you are again sealed from satan by Christ. The problem is… It is vital to learn how to stay sealed. One wrong picture that you stare at on your phone, one decision to hang out with the wrong crowd, one wrong thought that you allow to dwell in your mind, “Lets him back in.” Consider praying:“ Father, show me how to stay sealed from satan, and sin.”It would be really hard to pray that one too often. Second, every single person reading this can learn how to stay sealed for one full day. This is vitally important. It is wise to experience this great life that I am always writing about. If you experience it for one full day, is it possible to experience it for 2? Third, with the power of the Holy Spirit, you can learn to experience it for longer, and longer periods of time. At some point, the light goes on and you say, “Wow, this is really a much better way to live. Maybe I need to start trusting and believing God’s Word a lot more. ”Fourth, make it a habit to “Embrace change.” Many people read my articles and think, “He is probably right but…Instead, make it a habit to embrace change. Consider thinking instead, “I am going to commit to trying this all year. With my full commitment, I will see if God’s ways are right and best. ”Fifth, don’t believe what you think, don’t believe what you hear, only believe what the Bible says. Why? Because, satan helps us think wrong, and satan helps other people say wrong things to us. Only the Bible is always right. Read it, study it, and pray over it. It has power to help you change. Finally, what new habits will you work on forming today, and this week? New habits lead to success.