Daily Plan | Stop The Addictions
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Daily Plan

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    • #18059

        Our daily plan is often the same, but we always need to see what should be added. Every day it is wise to be ready with a top 5 prayer like:
        “Father, help me to turn from drinking/drugs, and fill me with Your love.”
        But, it is also wise to repeat a key verse often that tells us what we are replacing drinking/drugs with.
        2 Timothy 2:22 “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.”
        If we have added this verse to our phone, now we can pray about these new things:
        “Father, help me to flee from sin, and help me to pursue righteousness.”
        “Father, take away this drinking/drugs, and give me peace.”
        Second, decide how fast you want to quit. The fastest way to quit is to be aware of what the Bible says regarding the fear of the Lord. #1 The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. #2 The Bible says to “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”
        To quit fast, think often about how you will work out your salvation with fear and trembling. To quit fast, pick a “fear” verse from the verses for quitting. Pick one like 1 Corinthians 3:17
        “If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”
        To quit fast, quote this verse then avoid known triggers like objects, places, certain people and tempting activities. To quit fast, quote it when you have a tempting thought.
        Finally, for your daily plan, consider adding a couple of key verses to your phone. Read them often for that day. If they are working continue to read them often all week. Make up prayers based on your key scriptures. Fight tempting thoughts with prayer or scripture every time.
        When you have a great daily plan, you start to have your own personalized armor against drinking/drugs.

      • #18113

          With the 1-2 habit, we write down 1-2 key things from an article. To triple its effectiveness set an alarm to review these key items every 30 minutes. Obviously, this only works when you are more alone and can review the key things for a few minutes. But, those are the times when temptation ramps up.

          Second, Galatians 5:1 ESV “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

          Consider praying:

          “Father, teach me how to put this slavery to death.”

          Satan wants us to consider triggers for a tiny bit, to keep considering for just a second, to wait to turn away from tempting thoughts for an instant. Why does God want us to put these thoughts “To death.” #1 The Bible commands us to be “Filled with the Holy Spirit.” Considering triggers or bad thoughts stops this filling dead for more than a minute or two. Note: Treat intentional thoughts with rapid repentance. Don’t try to fool God, he knows exactly how intentional it was. #2 Considering our (bad) options keeps us from our purpose and from joy. When we cheat, someone is getting cheated. To find out who, check your mirror. Consider praying:

          “Father, help me to turn from this habit and show me how to find joy.”

          We find joy in purpose and in the presence of the Lord. Remember the two P’s, purpose and presence. They will start you down the path toward joy.

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