Be Ready | Stop The Addictions
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Be Ready

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    • #18070

        Be ready with your phone. To “Be ready” consider having a sentence or two saved from a favorite article ready. When temptation hits, click over to your saved info. If you start to habitually do that, you will memorize some key sentences and prayers. It is so hard to form a new habit like praying:

        “Father, take away this habit, and help me to be content.”

        But if you are tempted constantly, and you click to this prayer constantly… at some point, you will have the habit of praying it.

        What prayers, or sentences do you need to keep on the front burner in your phone?

        Second, reading articles is great, but putting them into action is better, starting to form a habit with key ideas is even better, and forming a habit like avoiding triggers is a real home run.

        Third, be ready in the location and at the time you are tempted most. Have your phone ready and be ready to fight. If you are 100% ready you will 100% win.

        Fourth, here is a video that is well done.

        Quitting a habit takes work. I choose to work at it every day.

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