Friday I wrote about picking a verse to quote regularly to fight temptation, Saturday, I wrote about picking a prayer to pray regularly to fight temptation. Today is activities. New activities are vital to replace habits, but are often frustrating because they are “Not what we want to do.”
First, we need to be tough and do them anyway, or quitting will never happen. Consider praying:
“Father, help me to increase toughness, help me enjoy these new things.”
Second, we either do the new activity with God, without God, or somewhere in the middle.
Lets assume the new activity is playing pool (Obviously, a few of you will be triggered by pool…So, you will need some other activity).
To do the activity 100% with God, fully repent of all sin before the activity. Plan how to go to war with habits before the activity.
Third, interact with God during the activity. The Bible tells us to praise the Lord. The Bible says to give thanks. Whenever you are bored say: “Praise the Lord.” Whenever you miss a shot say, “Thank you Lord.” Whenever you are tempted, quote your quitting verse, then pray your quitting prayer.
In this example it may work like magic, but, if you are by yourself with your new hobby of learning the guitar, it will help a lot, but, it will still be a challenge. But, if you keep at it, you will start to find a bit of peace, and maybe even a bit of fun.
Fourth, notice how all of these techniques work together. If you are not doing the first one (Bible verses), the third one will be really hard to pull off. If you are not doing the second one (Prayer), you may even lose interest in trying to do the third one correctly.
Fifth, I recommend starting with Friday (Quoting the Bible verse), until that is a habit. Then, Saturday, praying your prayer, until that is a habit. Then, trying to do new activities God’s way, until that is a habit.
Finally, most people will stop and start, forget to do this, decide to give up on it mid-day, and be confused for 100 reasons. That is normal. Simply start again, try again, work on habits again. If you are 100% dedicated to learning these habits, you now have something to think about and focus on 100% of the time.