#1 | Stop The Addictions
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    • #18283

        Attack your #1 temptation with constant prayer. Write down your #1 temptation _____________
        __________________. Assume a sex addict says, “Risky TV scenes make temptation skyrocket. They may start with a prayer saying what they will stop doing and what they will start doing:
        “Father, help me to turn-from-lust, and help me to fear the destruction it causes.”
        Second, consider writing your prayer, replacing the first half of this prayer with your #1 temptation.
        Third, every time you prayer your prayer it should be done thoughtfully, with a full, and sincere desire to change. With that complete dedication, now you can pray that prayer a lot.
        Fourth, have a plan of escape when triggered.
        Here are escape ideas from goodrx.com:
        Calling a loved one, mental health professional, or a sponsor
        Attending a self-help meeting
        Focusing on the negatives linked to falling
        “Playing the tape” by thinking through the consequences of acting on your triggers
        Watching a movie or listening to music
        Eating a healthy snack
        For most people, dealing with triggers comes down to two clear options: 
        1) You can either avoid the triggers at all costs.
        2) Or you can confront them with a solid relapse prevention plan.
        Fifth, Jesus is supposed to be our praise and our pleasure. Consider praying:
        “Father, You are my pleasure, I praise You today.”
        You may say, “I don’t even know how to make God my pleasure, why should I pray that?”
        I pray that prayer often because that is how I want life to someday be. I don’t live my life perfect. I think other pleasures are really important. They aren’t.
        Every time I do things God’s way my joy starts to increase. Making God my pleasure is doing things God’s way. I want to do things God’s way.

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