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Reply To: Evil

Home Forums subs Christians Finding Sobriety Forum Evil Reply To: Evil


    To hate evil means to abhor it, to loathe it, to be disgusted by it. Consider praying:

    “Father, help me to reject evil intensely.”

    Here is a fact: God is right about everything. I may be wrong about a fair amount of things. If God says it is good to hate evil… He will be right.

    When you are tempted, consider saying: “God will be right about this being bad, and ending badly.”

    Do I find evil repugnant? Do I feel horror when I consider risky TV, movies, and places? If Eve had understood the consequences of eating the apple, she would have felt horror. Consider praying:

    “Father, when I am tempted, remind me what the wages of sin are?”

    If we are soldiers of Christ, we must fight to be hostile towards looking at risky things. Consider praying:

    “Father, help me to fight against risky things, I believe that Your ways are right, and that they lead to joy.”

    Second, the verse adds, “Cling to what is good.” I have a one-page printout of verses about love which I study most days. Studying love is a great way to cling to what is good.

    Write down your two worst emotional problems. Then print out verses on those topics. When we read them daily we are clinging to good.

    To cling to what is good, we embrace and find it very important to only look at clean things, and to go to the correct places. Consider praying:

    “Father, teach me to prefer keeping my mind pure. Show me the benefits of turning from ____.”

    Love God – hate sin = great life.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by timcia.