To stop bad habits it is wise to form habits of thinking about new things. Philippians commands us to think toward love.
First, think about things that attract, please, and win other people’s admiration and attention. Everybody likes a person who does this because then they speak in a way that is positive and makes life better for everyone.
Second, part of the reason long-term habits continue is because of conflicts with others. If you form the habit of thinking in a helpful, loving way, it becomes easier to get along with everybody. Thinking right sometimes leads to speaking right as well as acting right. It all starts right in you mind. Consider praying:
“Father, help me to form the habit of having 1-2 positive, life improving things to think about.”
The Bible commands us to let our minds dwell on helpful, loving thoughts.
I am not good at this. That is why I keep referring back to these articles about what to think about. I need to keep working on that habit. It will keep me from focusing on wrong things.
Third, I act, and think based on my emotions, and on what I want. This is a bad system, and it leads to bad habits, which then lead to destruction.
God wants us to think before we act. Think first!
Think, what does God want me to do? How does God want me to think?
Fourth, everyone starts off thinking wrong. But only a few catch themselves and think: The way I am thinking is terrible, and it will lead to darkness, which will lead to _______. I need to change the way I am thinking. Consider praying:
“Father, help me to form the habit of changing thoughts of _______, and replacing them with thoughts of Christian love.”
Today, consider replacing thoughts of:
#1 Self-pity, with thoughts of love
#2 Fear, with thoughts of Biblical verses on courage
#3 Bitterness, with thoughts of forgiveness.
Finally, consider writing out 2-3 of your negative thoughts, Then, write down what you will replace those thoughts with.
If you think right, it will lead to doing right (someday).
Most importantly, replace constant thoughts of your habit with something better.
Thinking God’s way starts us toward freedom and