Here are the next 3 verses to pray over for 20 minutes:
Luke 21:34 ESV “But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap.
Proverbs 21:17 ESV Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich.
Judges 13:4 ESV Therefore be careful and drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean,
My parents had their religious traditions. Some were good, some were something. 95% of us are like this. Our parents and church help shape us in a good way. But then bad habits rear their ugly head, and we want answers based on the way we were brought up. But the answers we are given sometimes push us to traditions, not freedom.
I suspect that often people read my articles and think, “That’s not the way my family does it, That’s not the way our church does it.” But in order to find freedom we need to find out the way that the Bible does it. For example: I recommend praising the Lord. If your background did not include doing this you may want to do a Google search: “How many times does the Bible say to praise the Lord.” When I did that it said 259 times for praise and 33 times for the exact phrase “Praise the Lord.”
Just last night I was in a room alone watching TV, not wanting to watch anything. I could feel a bit of darkness crawling in so I started to praise the Lord. Quickly my mood started to improve and then I felt like watching the Cubs game.
Second, some people think I am such and such denomination when I recommend a book. Not likely. I recommend a book based on how it can help everyone. Tommy Tenny’s church is likely way different than your church or my church, but he has such great information about finding the Glory of God. We would have zero addictions if we had the glory of God all over us.
Honestly, I only got a tiny bit of the glory of God when I last read his book “The God Chasers,” years ago. But when I read it I knew that it was out there for Christians who were more obedient than I was, and who spent more time seeking the Lord.
Since I have gone to war with sin my joy has hugely increased and I am starting to live a lot more in the glory of God just like the book said. Who knew?
God wants us to know about His glory. Don’t stay in a denominational box unless that box has your joy and purpose increasing. That does not mean leaving your church. It means putting the Bible first and being open to quitting tips that are directly from the Bible.
Finally, complete all the daily steps listed on day one.