Here are the next 3 verses to pray over for 20 minutes:
Romans 13:13 ESV Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy.
Proverbs 23:31 Do not look at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup and goes down smoothly.
1 Corinthians 6:12 ESV I will not be dominated by anything.
To quit for good we study quitting articles at this site for 20-30 minutes each day. But if you want to quit in 21 days you need to read, reread, and almost memorize the key articles that you need for quitting. I don’t know which articles you need to study, but you need to know exactly which articles you need.
Consider starting by scanning the titles of articles over the past 10 months. Write down the titles or copy and paste the link of titles to see which ones are great for your situation so that you can later scan the articles. When you do find articles that are perfect for you, decide how often you should read the article over the next ten days.
For example, when life crushes you, you turn to ______. To solve this problem or any similar to it… find the right articles, and study them until you can develop new habits on how to react when life stinks.
Reading them is merely the start. Step two is taking that information to construct a plan so that you can make a new habit so that you can overcome the opening. Step three may be praying about your new habits, and developing a system to remind yourself of exactly when and how you want to change.
The point is that we need to solve the 1-3 main triggers that lead us back to _____. Once you have figured out which articles help you solve them, it is better to read, reread, and study those articles over and over than it is to find new ones. Study, think, and pray over them until you have a plan in your head on how to fight back 24 hours a day. Continue to study them until you have “new habits.”
When you have a complete plan for all your triggers, the triggers start to lose their power.
Finally, we repeat all of the other steps from day one.