Don’t Look Back
When the angel told Lot to leave Sodom, he gave instructions that no one should look back. Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Why did this happen? She left her sinful past and city only because she did not want to die. The city still obsessed her thoughts.
Second, quitting takes several steps. Not falling is step one. Going to war with temptation and bad thoughts is step #2. Getting rid of bad thoughts is step #3. Consider praying:
“Father, help me to have a reply for every bad thought every time.”
Third, consider making a Bible verse into a prayer:
Psalm 101:3 ESV I will not set before my eyes on anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.” Consider praying:
“Father, I will not set my eyes on triggers. I hate sin, it shall not cling to me.”
Consider making it a habit to pray these prayers several times daily.
Lot’s wife needed to make it a habit to think new thoughts. We should learn from her to not look back. Not think our old bad thoughts. We need to think new thoughts. These prayers prompt new thoughts.