Drugs and Drinking no more, A 40 day program: Day 33
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Drugs and Drinking no more, A 40 day program: Day 33

A prominent senator finished his day then proceeded to go to happy hour. When he finished there he came out and a car came speeding through. It hit the senator, he died and found himself at the pearly gates. Upon arrival Saint Peter said to him “we don’t know what to do with you. I have an idea, why don’t you spend 24 hours in hell, then 24 hours in heaven and then you choose where you will stay for eternity. The senator said that sounds good.
So they arrived in hell. Wow, his favorite singer was singing. All his old friends were there. He saw the most magnificent golf course he had ever seen in his life. They danced, went boating, and had a feast. He had a day of great pleasure.

Next they arrived in Heaven. Double wow, God was there, the apostles and discipled welcomed him. He felt like he had 12 senses instead of 6. What beauty, what glory, what peace, it was perfect. Peter said to him; which one do you pick? The senator said you know I never thought of this before, but I think I will choose hell. My friends are all there and I really felt more comfortable there.

So they arrived again in hell.When they opened the door the senator noticed a stench and a heat. It was barren and the people had sores on them. They were weeping and in torment. The devil came over and hugged the senator and said this is where you will be for all of eternity. The senator said what happened; just yesterday this was a glorious place. The devil said yesterday we were campaigning, today you voted.

The devil is always campaigning for you. He temps you at your point of purpose. If he can get you to party instead of fulfilling your purpose he wins. If he can get you to sin instead of fulfilling your purpose he wins.

While you are praying to find your purpose find something to do to help broken people. Love God, love people, hate sin. Hebrews 10 says that people who keep sinning deliberately will end up in hell.

Hebrews 10:26 King James Version (KJV)

26 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

Keep in mind that God has great mercy for sinners who are trying to do right but failing. But, most of us need to try a lot harder.
All addiction is breaking the great commandment from Matthew 22:37 which says to love the Lord your God with all of your mind, soul and strength. All addictions are selfishness which is the opposite of loving God. Since God did not create us to be selfish, when we become selfish with addiction we are never satisfied.

Selfishness includes: I should receive every whim and desire I want. The world I live in exists for my pleasure. My self-worth and identity come from things of this world – jobs, possessions, accomplishments, rather than from a relationship with Christ. I find pleasure which satisfies when I live for Gods glory. Worldly pleasures usually lead to disaster. Do we look to worldly solutions and pleasures to alleviate pain rather than Jesus?

Selfish people are takers not givers. Takers are never satisfied with what they consume. They always want more and more. The world is not designed to satisfy people. Only Jesus Christ satisfies completely.

The key is to remember that only eternal treasures are satisfying. God gave you everything so now we must give to others, serve and help others. Now decide to seek satisfaction in eternal rather than worldly things. Seek satisfaction in helping others.

Pray: “Father, reduce my love for _____ and help me to focus on _______ which will bring me eternal treasures which will satisfy.” I really believe God loves a focused personalized version you write of a prayer like this. Then you can pray it multiple times each day (each time must be sincere).

Read Matthew 5, Proverbs 28 and James 1

Lord Jesus, You said, “I have come to set the captives free.” We are captive and I ask that you help me to put in the work so that with your help I will experience the abundant life which You promised – to those who obey you. Amen.

4    Checklist for avoiding relapse: Write down what attitudes and beliefs led you into addiction. For me the love of pleasure was a priority. That attitude brought about a lot of pain and destruction. I am currently focusing on being very aware of how great things are when I worship God vigorously and pursue the correct passions and purpose. If I improve my awareness of how great things are when I am vibrantly living life God’s way, the next time I fall into heavy temptation I will have more bullets in my gun to fight back.

New book gets five stars on Amazon. 24 action-packed stories give Jonny new ideas on how to fight off drugs.

How Jonny quit drugs #3 rated story is The Matrix. Learning how to quit drugs is way faster when the steel walls around you are moving towards you. Unless you learn the keys to quitting drugs, the walls will crush you like a garbage compactor would. This futuristic story will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Exciting adventures include: Titanic, the Trap, the Exorcist, The Warrior, Escaping Reality and many others. Gordon reveals to Jonny his code which teaches you how to never taste the forbidden fruit and how to have a firm foundation.

Renew your mind while having fun. These unique stories will help you form new habits that will give you freedom. Click below to see more. amazon.com/dp/B07YBHKZ4B/ref=

How Dylan Quit Drinking is the same 24 stories with the focus on quitting drinking. To access that title click here: amazon.com/dp/B07YQ6RMYR/ref=

  1. Pray: Father help me to focus on the fact that drugs/drinking causes  destruction. It always has and it always will.


Day one: How to overcome cravings

Day two: Would believing in a higher power be good for you?

Day three: Quitting addiction exercises

Day four: Does God answer pray?

Day five: Starting to understand that we can’t increase our pleasure for the whole month by going back to our addiction

Day six: Planning our day to keep addiction temptation to a minimum

Day seven: We find liberty (or start to find liberty) from addiction when we find Jesus

Day eight: First fruit of the Spirit

Day nine: Benefits of worshipping God

Day ten: Getting rid of negative emotions and overcoming cravings

Day 11: How to be blessed by God and self control

Day 12: Have a list of coping statements

Day 13: How to have living water so that you will never thirst again. How to become a christian.

Day 14: Adam and Eve show us what we do that causes things to go wrong

Day 15: Consequenses of doing wrong
Day 16: Self control

Day 17: What leads back to using and self control

Day 18: How to pray to fight addiction

Day 19: Can we get our prayers answered?

Day 20: Overcoming relationship problems

Day 21: Finding a church that can help you

Day 22: Overcoming addiction exercises

Day 23: Don’t worship pleasure – serve others instead to find real joy

Day 24: Always planning will help you stay clean

Day 25: Don’t condemn yourself

Day 26: Knowing why you can’t quit gives you clues to help you quit

Day 27: Knowing why you can’t quit gives you clues to help you quit

Day 28: Anger leads bad to addiction – get it out

Day 29: Set up a time and place to fight your addiction daily

Day 30: Expert planning each day can help you star clean

Day 31: Coping skills for emotions and temperance

Day 32: How to overcome cravings

Day 32B: If God is real we should be doing something to help people

  1. Checklist for avoiding relapse: Write down what attitudes and beliefs led you into addiction. For me the love of pleasure was a priority. That attitude brought about a lot of pain and destruction. I am currently focusing on being very aware of how great things are when I worship God vigorously and pursue the correct passions and purpose. If I improve my awareness of how great things are when I am vibrantly living life God’s way, the next time I fall into heavy temptation I will have more bullets in my gun to fight back.
  2. Pray: Father help me to focus on the fact that Drugs/Drinking causes destruction. It always has and it always will.