Day 8 - Break Free from Sex/Porn Addiction
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Sex/Porn freedom in 30 days: day 8

Victimization is a form of Denial of your addiction. My wife left me for no good reason and I deserve to get high again. She doesn’t want to have sex with me so I will allow the destruction of Pornography into my life (if you would just say it that way (saying destruction) you would have a better chance of winning the fight. Or my husband treats me like dirt – I have the right to consider other people. Victimization is saying to Almighty God – You are not big enough and great enough to make up for the mess I have made (or others have helped you make) of my life. The truth is we won’t spend enough time reading the Bible, praying, thanking God for all things and praising Him. Get rid of the excuse of victimization, be on the same page with God and find joy from a dedicated relationship with Jesus Christ.
There a multitude of reasons that people have a sex/porn addiction. Let us first look at two reasons why many people can’t quit.

Sex/porn is a difficult habit for two types of people. The first group are people who lack the self discipline to change. The latter group are people who see the destruction sex/porn causes them but when push comes to shove they just don’t care enough to change. Both groups are well aware that sex or porn have messed up their lives but neither group have the tools they need to overcome their inner demons.

A few people fit perfectly in the first group and some people are examples of subjects from the “we just don’t care group.” But many people are a combination of the two groups. To successfully overcome a lust problem you need to analyze which group you are more a part of.

Take a solid twenty minutes or more to think about why you are so completely hooked.

What percentage would you give the “I just lack the discipline” part of the equation. _______

What percentage would you give the “I just don’t care” part? _______

Knowing what your reason for not being able to quit is very important because if you ignore why you can’t quit you may very well ignore the exact advice you need the most. For example if you know that your bigger problem is that you just don’t care. Then I will tell you to pay special attention when I recommend a book to inspire you. My teaching you to say three times a day that sex or porn will cause destruction” will not work for you because you just don’t care. But if you can read a great book that will inspire to care a little more you can start to make progress.
Break free from sex addiction tip #1 Your thoughts need to change everywhere that you are. What are you going to think about when you go somewhere where you will be highly tempted. I am a Christian so I am praying and worshipping God when I am out and about and see an available person. Since I am busy praying I only notice them for a second or two and I am back to what important things that I am doing. I am always preparing to spread the gospel. This goal helps keep me out of trouble.

God has unfailing love for us. Every day I will add another verse that talks about His unfailing love.

Psalm 32:10
Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.

Let’s continue to watch people who are trying to quit to see what they are doing. Ty is gaining control by making it a habit to turn aggressively from thinking about porn.

Sue prayed “Father, help me to care only about quitting my sex addiction 3 times each day.”

Tom said 3 times every day “This temptation will go away if I don’t act on it. If I give in it will return and it may be even stronger next time. If I don’t give in it will go away and someday it will go away for good. I have the self-control to change”.

TJ learned to think about other things by reading “The Purpose Driven Life” every day.

Pray morning noon and night: Father take away my anger. If other emotions are a problem for you pray about them as well.



Why did God show us how satan talked to Adam and Eve? One of the reasons was to show us that satan temps us just like he tempted them.
I was a newby loan officer. People would call our office and I would tell them our mortgage rate. But then they would thank me and not set up an appointment. But then one day another loan officer told me: After you tell them our rate, give them 5 benefits to doing the loan today. On my very next call that was what I did. I got the appointment. To succeed I needed to know exactly what to say.
When we are tempted we need to know exactly what to say. Satan tells us what to think about, what to look at and what to do. And if our answer is a weak… no, or, I can’t. We are going to lose. But when we are prepared we can win.
Every one of us has 3-5 specific reasons why we want to quit and why we should quit. Even more importantly we all have 5 benefits to quitting. Things like: Better relationships, being a better parent, improved finances when I get my self-control back, being able to do my job better, and most importantly having a great relationship with Jesus Christ again.
Here is what we didn’t learn from Genesis, but we did learn it from Joseph. We learned how to do it right. A beautiful woman tried to seduce him. I guarantee you that he had 5 reasons why he wouldn’t give in. And he was the wisest man in Egypt. He could likely list 10 benefits to himself if he did not give in.
Being completely prepared, he immediately fled the scene.
We can be completely prepared as well. We can write out 5 reasons on a notecard of why we want to quit. We can write out 5 benefits to quitting. We can write out our goals for quitting.
Then when satan comes around and tempts us we read him a couple of lines from our card. When he doesn’t give up – we start reading again. Then after you do this about 20 times, just humbly tell him: I can do this all day and all night.
Satan is brilliant and he is very mathematical. He is always calculating his odds of getting you in hell. When you fight back a little bit he drops you to his b list. Fight harder – c list, harder d list. When we fight back every time he drops us to the U list – the unlikely list. And people on the unlikely list get tempted way less. So my goal is to show him every single time what list he should have me on.

Break free from sex addiction and porn addiction with this life changing book series available on Amazon now. How Peter Quit Porn is 24 action-packed, true to life adventures Peter has, which help him quit Porn. The Screwtape Letters story will take you on a journey from heaven, into hell and back to heaven. This dramatic adventure involving angels and demons will be life-changing.

Following each story, Peter learns from his mentor Gordon, who helps him grow from his adventures and learn about Jesus. The 24 adventures include: Titanic, Pearl Harbor, the Matrix, the Exorcist, The Gamble, the Pleasure Principle, Escaping Reality and many others. Gordon teaches Peter his code at the end of every story. The code teaches you how to be unstoppable, how a true understanding of pleasure will lead to you never look at porn again, how to make current obsessions become minor temptations and how to fight until you overcome.

This book teaches you practical techniques on how to renew your mind while having fun. These vivid stories will help you form new life changing habits.

Click the below link to look at “How Peter Quit Porn” at Amazon now.



Lord Jesus, You said, “I have come to set the captives free.” We are captive and need Your healing touch. Free us, Lord, from our addictions, so that we will be:
…free from the cares and worries that stifle our happiness;
…free from sins that cling to us, and to which we cling;
…free from all compulsive behavior that prevents us from becoming what You, Lord, have planned for us.
Bring us, loving Savior, to the experience of abundant life which You promised. Amen.

Matthew 5 is about how we can change so that we will be blessed by God. The beatitudes should guide us, point us in the right direction, teach us, and show us the values that Jesus cares about. As we read them we should be looking at whether or not we are trying to follow them. noted the following
“The First Beatitude verse 3

God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for Him,
for the kingdom of heaven is given to them.

The word poor here means those who are poor IN SPIRIT. Jesus wasn’t talking about people being financially poor. To be poor in spirit means to recognize that we fall short of what God wants us to be. It means that we know we are unworthy to receive God’s grace. The poor in spirit see that without God we cannot be forgiven and made new.

We see an example of being poor in spirit in Luke 18:9-14. It is the story of a Pharisee who believed he was completely righteous and looked down on everybody else. The Pharisee stood up in the temple and thanked God that he was not a thief, a liar or a cheat like the tax collector who was also at the temple. He boasted to God that he fasts twice a week and always gives a tenth of his earnings to God. The tax collector stood at a distance, feeling unworthy to look up to heaven. The tax collector said, “God, please have mercy on me, for I am nothing but a sinner.” The Pharisee did not recognize his faults but the tax collector recognized his need for God and for forgiveness, and that is being poor in spirit.

Jesus says that only the poor in spirit will enter into the kingdom of God because they confess and turn to Jesus.

It is easy to agree that we need to walk in repentance but it can be hard to do. Pride can get in the way of us realising our need for God. James 4:7-10 tells us exactly how to develop the right attitude so that we can live by this first characteristic Jesus mentions. It tells us that we must humble ourselves to be able to recognize our need for God.”

“Meaning doesn’t lie in thrills. Meaning lies in us. When we attach value to things that aren’t love – the money, the car, the house, the lust – we are loving things that can’t love us back. We are searching for meaning in the meaningless. Value relationships with others and with God. Value actions which give meaning.

Read Matthew 5 and First Corintians 5 from the Bible.

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Thank you for reading day 8 of this program on how to break free from sex addiction and porn addiction.


Day 1: Overcoming cravings

Day2 : Is God real?

Day 3: Quitting addiction exercises

Day 4: Getting negative emotions out

Day 5: You can never increase the amount of pleasure that you can have for the month by going back to an addiction

Day 6: Sin leads back to addiction

Day 7: Worshiping God helps us overcome addiction