Sex/Porn: How to Quit a Sex Addiction: Recover from a Porn Addiction
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Sex/Porn How To Quit A Sex Addiction: day 12

Learning how to quit a sex addiction is easier if you have a strong enough reason to quit your addiction. To aid you through your high temptation periods you need a list of activities that you can do as a substitute for a porn/sex addiction. Idea’s include exercise, play a game, spend time with friends and read something spiritual. Remember that growing spiritually is often helpful in fighting addiction.

Write out your own list of substitute activities.

During intense temptation have a list of coping statements. Something like – my addiction has caused me destruction, it has in the past and it will in the future if I don’t quit. Or, This temptation will go away if I don’t act on it. If I give in, it will return and it may be even stronger next time. If I don’t give in it will go away and someday it will go away for good. I have the self control to change.

Use temptation situations as a way to work on problems. First of all identify what sequence of events lead up to you craving sex/porn? Your problem sequence may be that you get mad at your partner or family member. You are bored with life anyways and off you go.

You need to know the normal sequence of events that lead you to sex/porn.

In advance you need to have written idea’s of what you will do instead. Now when the severe temptation comes you can use it as an opportunity to work on these other problems.

For example; if anger is a trigger pray about that. What is your trigger? Pray and plan on how you can defuse it.

“It is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do.”
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (Moliere) Overcoming Addiction Quote

Ephesians 2:10 New Testament for Everyone (NTE)   This is the explanation: God has made us what we are. God has created us in King Jesus for the good works that he prepared, ahead of time, as the road we must travel.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Pray to be filled with the Spirit. Pray as you go to sleep, pray when you wake up. Pray Father fill me with your love, fill me with your Spirit, help me to avoid sin, show me my purpose. Make helping poor people as one of your ministries. Pray for every person who visits this website. Pray that no one who ever visits this site will ever commit suicide. Pray that people will understand that it is sometimes a long process from them doing their own thing to opening up to God’s love and doing His thing. Pray that people will be saved.

Fear can sometimes lead to addiction. The Bible says in 2nd Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. When we start to be filled with the Spirit this verse starts to come true overcoming this emotion as well as other harmful emotions.

Matthew 5 is about how we can change so that we will start to be blessed by God. noted the following

The Fifth Beatitude v7

God blesses those who are merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.

Mercy is love toward those that need some sort of support, especially in the area of forgiveness. God shows us mercy. We need His mercy every day because were are not perfect and we sin daily. If God is willing to give us mercy then we should be happy to extend mercy to others. In the Lord’s Prayer we say, “forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”. We must forgive and show mercy if we expect God to do the same for us.

Pride prevents God showing us mercy and us showing mercy to others. Self righteousness brings about pride and prevents us from learning from God because it puts a barrier up straight away. Ephesians 5:1-2 talks about following Jesus’ example in showing mercy by living a life of love. The Old Testament speaks on it too (Psalm 41:1 and more!)
Pray: “Father give me the wisdom to write a prayer that will help me to start overcoming my addiction.” For example – you feel like your sex/porn addiction has hurt your ability to be a great parent. You might pray “Father help me to care more about my kid’s future than I care about lust.” Once you have that prayer that really speaks to what will motivate you – start praying it in earnest. You can pray it as many times each day as you want as long as you are sincere in increasing your desire to change with each prayer. God is not counting how many times I pray my prayer. He is looking at how my heart changes as I sincerely pray it each time and how I allow him to lead me to better choices because now (because of prayer and extra effort) I am starting to see reality clearer.
We are at our greatest temptation point when we feel like we are justified to slip up. Our world fell apart again – we now have every right to slip up. But what we often forget is that when our world falls apart that is “precisely when” the Holy Spirit is waiting to come in. And “waiting” is also a key word. When we fight addiction and start to pray we often first feel nothing. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is “waiting” to see if you are a 10 second Christian, a 10 minute Christian, or a Christian who will fight to the end and then fight to help others in need.

Identify when you are justified to slip up. Now be aware that this is your opportunity to make a ton of progress in one day!
Read 1st Corinthians 9, Matthew 9 and Proverbs 2.

Continue to read the Purpose Driven Life.

If you are on track great; if not read the red letters from day 5

What The Bible Says About Addiction
 is my new 340 page e-book which is filled with new information about quitting addiction. This book is Based 95% on the Bible (New Testament) with a few of my quitting addiction theories added. Reading it allows the Holy Spirit to renew your mind. Click here to access it. Please leave a good review if you like it.


This is a revised article with added tips for people with a sex addiction.

Sex addiction has unique challenges. Often this addiction is a compulsively driven activity which seems to fill an empty place in your life. Sometimes it fills a need for excitement and other times it is used to forget pain or distress. Sex tunes out reality and puts you in a fantasy world. Some people take this sex fantasy world to such an extreme that it causes them to lose any chance of having real love and intamacy.

Sex is a jiant vacuum which seems to give an answer to a vacancy in our lives. Michael Hardiman in his book Overcoming addictin says. “As the feeling of emptiness increases, the person tries harder to fill it with what is actually causing the emptiness, leading to the futile cycle that seems to be a central element in all addiction, namely, using something to meet one’s needs that can’t really meet those needs, and that damages the person in the processs”.

Many people with this addiction do not understand the effects that this habit has on them. The reason for this is there are some direct effects and many indirect effects. First the direct effects. Sex addiction can hurt marriages, jobs, finances, families and many other things and it can be a pathway to the disaster of infidelity and divorce.

But for many people it is the indirect effect that is killing them and they dont even realize it.

Maybe you just keep staying up late, your job performance suffers and you get fired. Maybe you keep cheating and  your interest in your spouse starts to decline.

Maybe sex is your priority and your finances suffer because you just dont care anymore.


How to quit a sex addiction tip #1: Sex addiction by its very nature makes an individual- more intent on satisfying selfish needs even at the expense of his marriage, family, financial stability, and career”.

How to quit sex tip #2 When sex has become your master, then you have become its slave. It will take everything from you that you will let it take, then it will continue to take other things.

Sex addiction can lead to anxiety, sleep problems, and severe depression. The short term excitement and pleasure that it gives comes with a ton of pain, damage and lingering psychological effects.

How to quit a porn addiction tip #3.To quit a sex addiction the first step is to clean out everything from your house, work and everywhere else that is porn or that leads you back to your sex addiction. Next you need to make changes to stay clean. Uncut movies are often filled with suggestive themes and sometimes nudity.

How to quit a sex addiction tip #4 If you look at any nudity or smut you will fall back into your addiction. It will either happen that day or that week.

How to quit a sex addiction tip #5 Do not rent movies and do not have movie channels like HBO, Showtime etc. If you get free movie channels that still show nudity block them so that you can’t even surf through them. If you want to find clean movies to watch, use the program guide to that you don’t wander upon a nude scene that will likely put you over the edge.

How to quit porn addiction  tip #6 Instead of watching uncut movies the best solution is to wait for the movie to be released to TV. There are 2 advantages to this. The first is that TV takes out a lot of the nudity. The 2nd is that if you didnt pay for the film and if it is smutty it is easier to change the channel.

How to quit a sex addiction tip #7 Always be learning what triggers your addiction. For you, TV shows which talk about smut may do it or non-nude scenes which show people in bed acting things out may trigger you. So always be learning about what triggers you, and always be making changes to avoid these triggers like the plague.

How to quit a sex addiction tip #8 However the best solution for cleaning up your entertainment viewing is to find new clean things to view. There are many clean shows out there that you can watch. Develop new habits and routines. Don’t surf on your TV, use the program guide until you know that what you will watch will not trigger you.

How to quit a sex addiction tip #9 Watch TV with your remote next to you at all times. Even clean shows nowadays slip into the gutter from time to time. Instantly change the channel if what you are watching is a trigger point for you. Don’t let one minute of indulgence bring you back into the destruction your addiction causes you.

How to quit a porn addiction tip #10 Internet Porn. Never keep sex sites in your favorites.

How to quit porn addiction tip #11 Never turn on your computor untill you know exactly what you are going to do or watch.

How to quit porn addiction tip #12 If porn is leading you back to addiction  get a porn filter.

Realize that sometimes what you are looking at or thinking about when you are not on your computor can be a hidden trigger that only reveals itself when you turn your computor on.

How to quit a sex addiction tip #13 Avoid seemingly borderline websites like 100 hottest celebrities, bikini hotties, 100 sexiest bodies etc. Looking at these people for you is likely the same as an alcoholic saying they can drink just one beer.

How to quit porn addiction tip #14 You need to find alternative activities and entertainment in order to suceed.

How to quit a sex addiction tip #15 Your thought need to change everywhere that you are. What are you going to think about when you go somewhere you will be highly tempted. I am a Christian so I am praying and worshipping God when I am out and about and see an available person. Since I am busy praying I only notice them for a second or two and I am back to what important things that I am doing. I am always preparing to spread the gospel. This goal helps keep me out of trouble.



How to quit porn addiction tip #16 Make a goal to have a plan (written is best)of what clean activities you can do over the next two days. Do this every day.

The rest of this article will contain material which is Spiritual in nature only. The Bible says in Colossians 3:5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. So lust may = idolatry. Idolatry is the worship of Something. Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

Yes God loves you and He will forgive you for your past sin, but you have to stop. Why does God care if we have sex outside of marriage. The reason is because He knows about all of the destruction it causes. Quite frankly God insists that we live a happy purpose filled, productive life.

To find your purpose start by praying and reading the Bible daily(Matthew and 1st Corinthians are good places to start. Video’s 1 and 2 have a lot of info on how to stop addiction and how to find your purpose. Video #2 has info on how to become a Christian. Lastly never give up, never, never, never.

If this article has helped you, share it with your friends. Share buttons are below the index.

Thank you for reading day 7 of this program to discover how to quit porn and sex addiction.


Day 1: Overcoming cravings

Day2 : Is God real?

Day 3: Quitting addiction exercises

Day 4: Getting negative emotions out

Day 5: You can never increase the amount of pleasure that you can have for the month by going back to an addiction

Day 6: Sin leads back to addiction

Day 7: Worshiping God helps us overcome addiction

Day 8: What causes you to stay addicted

Day 9: Develop positive addicitons

Day 10: Overcoming negative emotions

Day 11: You have some self control