Sex/Porn freedom in 30 Days: Day 7 | Overcoming Sex Addiction
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Sex/Porn freedom in 30 days: day 10


10. Fight frustration that others cause. We can argue with others for hours or for seconds. We can be upset with others for hours or for seconds. We can pray consistently that God will help us decrease in anger, help us to stop arguing, and help us to focus on other things instead of being upset with others.

Fight frustrations that we cause ourselves. Some of us choose to live our lives in a way that causes us pain. Then when the pain blasts us, we fall. The key is to realize that we must stop making choices that cause us intense pain. Because otherwise, it is hard to quit.

Key point: We are at our greatest temptation point when our frustration makes us feel like we are justified to fall. But these points are the crossroads to where we can find joy, power, and freedom when we pass the test.

9. We need to be able to survive a bad day. No matter how hard we try to live right, bad days will happen. It is wise to pray to be tough, fight through it and believe that tomorrow will be better. When bad days happen get into your activities list and get active. It really helps.

8. Plan and prepare for war. Have a journal and fill it with tips and articles about how to quit. Every day, add a bit more. Every day, study the key tips for you. Every day, do what you need to do to renew your mind and habits. It works.

7. Increase your faith. Read the Case for Christ (Strobel). This book gives a mountain of evidence that Christianity is real. Read the Bible (faith cometh by hearing the Word of God). Believe every verse in the Bible as written.

6. Triggers: Have a concrete plan for every trigger you have. It is vital to be instant and aggressive in turning. It is vital to develop habits of being totally prepared for the things that trigger you. Renew your effort every day.

5. Have a long term focus. Addictions fun/thrill is short term and it leads to depression. Be determined to have a great life, a great year and a great month. Michael Jordan got championships because his only focus was on championships. Think about a great year, then a great month, then a great week. Pray about it 5 times every day.

I am long term focused in everything except… I need to stop being stupid.

4. Prayer: This is a complicated one because prayer does work when we start trying to fight to obey the Bible. You can read the article “praying with power” for more info on this.

3. Activities: We are told repeatedly to have a list of activities to try. Try things, stick with them for a few days. Keep trying new things. At some point, you will like some of these activities.

2. Positive addictions: A positive addiction is an activity that you now love, do often, and are excited about. You try jogging, piano, guitar, writing, chess, prayer, and now love it so much that you do it for hours. It has changed from being a distraction idea into something you crave.

I have become obsessed with sports. This was by design. Now I watch a lot less risky TV.

1. Fight temptation with the top Bible verses for quitting. Whip out that list of verses and go over them, repeat, repeat, repeat. It is impossible to say these verses too often. It is hard for satan to continue to tempt you for long when you quote them (but he will try again). When he tries again whip out your verses again. He really does not like that game at all.

He only beat Adam and Eve because they did not use this technique. Jesus used this technique and satan did not beat Him.

Write your own top 10 skills. Then be obsessed with them and live them. You can do it.


Mike had a huge fight with his dad. His dad was his closest and best relationship. First he had done his dad wrong and then his dad ripped into him pretty good. 10 days free from porn were already gone. Before he even stopped his anger for a minute he was already deep in the gutter. Then it hit him. He had come so far. He was praying and starting to get some direction. He had started positive addictions and activities and it had been working. In total frustration he stopped for a minute. He then looked up and asked “God, why did you let me down?”

The minute he said that he realized that he may have had something to do with the mess. So he bowed his head and said “I am sorry Father, I messed up again”. Upon doing so he felt something come over him. He wanted to keep looking but then it hit him. His relationship with Jesus Christ had been bringing him something real. In fact right now at a dark moment, he felt like he might be able to fight back. He said, Father, help me, give me a chance to turn this around.

Abruptly he turned his computer off. He began to pray and within minutes he began to remember plans for his purpose he would like to do in the near future. He quickly realized that his anger sunk him again. He got his pen and wrote out his strategy for going to war with anger.

Depression, anxiety, and rage are three emotions which lead you back to addiction. For many people Porn/Sex will be an addiction until they conquer the emotion or emotions that bring them back into their addiction. You know that this, that, or fighting with your boss leads you straight back to your addiction. So instead of going back to your addiction when the negative event occurs, you rely on your self help group or your non-using friends. Groups on the internet may be helpful as well because you may be able to find a meeting at any time.

What emotions lead you back to your addiction?

What can you do instead of backsliding when negative events occur?

Consequences: If we all had a TV monitor which would tell us the consequences of our actions associated with our addiction; we often would avoid the behavior that starts us down a slippery slope. When we start gawking at someone on TV or in person we begin a chain of events with the following consequences. Blowing a chance to find our purpose (any time soon) in life, blowing a chance at real joy (accepting fun and destroying real joy) trading in a chance for something in life that satisfies for cheap thrills, chasing away the Holy Spirit and unintentionally inviting spirits that we don’t want around in.
This chain of events is what always happens. These are the minimum consequences. We are not talking about aids, unwanted pregnancies and other disasters. This is just the minimum disaster that will find you if you fall.
How can you make it a habit to remind yourself of the consequences of your addiction?
Who will be successful in 5 years? The person who works on their addiction for 50 minutes per day and falls every 3rd day? Or the person who works 5 minutes per day on their addiction and only falls every 4th day?
“People fail forward to success.”
Mary Kay Ash Overcoming Addiction Quote

Never give up
Let’s continue to watch people who are determined to quit to see what they are doing. Bill decided to plan out what he would watch on his TV (or what he would do on his computor before turning it on.
Lisa decided to start a 2nd Journal called consequences. She started adding to it and writing out why she was doing the new activities she had learned about.

Psalm 33:18
But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.

Matthew 5 is about how we can change so that we will start to be blessed by God. noted the following

The Third Beatitude v5

God blesses those who are gentle and lowly,
for they will inherit the whole earth.

The Greek word for meek is praus and it refers to a strong and powerful horse or ox that was trained and disciplined so that it could be controlled by a human.

The word lowly (or meek) used in this verse refers to a strong person who is under God’s control. They are controlled by God in every aspect of their lives, especially in their soul and spirit. Meekness is more than skin deep. It does not mean that we become weak. A meek or humble person cannot be walked over, but can be bold.

Joy prayed, “Father, help me to choose living in your light instead of my addiction. Knowing that as I learn to like other things to do (over time) – my joy overall will increase.

Read Matthew 7 and First Corinthians 7 from the Bible.

Continue to read “The Purpose Driven Life”.

If you have recently slipped up review the red sections of day 3

What The Bible Says About Addiction is my new 340 page e-book which is filled with new information about quitting addiction. This book is Based 95% on the Bible (New Testament) with many new quitting addiction idea’s added. Reading it allows the Holy Spirit to renew your mind. Click here to access it. Please leave a good review if you like it.

If you want a review on cravings, read the following:

You say “I want to quit but I just can’t overcome the cravings. So you need to learn about cravings.

Cravings are limited by time. If we don’t give in, it goes away. A craving can’t force you to do anything.

Our mind is in constant change. Change is the typical state of the mind, not concentration. The mind will get tired of craving sex or your addiction and it will move on to something else.

Thomas Horvath in the workbook Sex, Your addiction, gambling and Chocolate talks about how craving always end. They tire (fatigue), then they end. He wrote the following:

“Perhaps the most dramatic example of the fatigue principle is the elimination of hunger by fasting. In chapter 8 I mentioned that craving will increase until it is acted upon. The discomfort is why the craving is motivating, so the craving is often acted upon. But this is only the first part of the story. If the craving is not acted on, eventually it peaks and diminishes. If you skipped breakfast and skipped lunch, you might be quite hungry by mid-afternoon. But if you continue not eating, somewhere during the first 24 hours, for most individuals, hunger goes away. You obviously still need the food, but you no longer feel hungry. You could say that your nervous system got bored with feeling hungry, and moved on to feeling something else.

Just as your nervous system can get bored with feeling hungry, it can get bored with feeling anything. If you’re impulsive and tend to act quickly on your feelings, you might not have realized this. Feelings, like craving are time-limited. Learn to outwait them and your behavior can become much more stable.

You do not need to make a craving go away, it will go away on its own.”


Day 1: Overcoming cravings

Day2 : Is God real?

Day 3: Quitting addiction exercises

Day 4: Getting negative emotions out

Day 5: You can never increase the amount of pleasure that you can have for the month by going back to an addiction

Day 6: Sin leads back to addiction

Day 7: Worshiping God helps us overcome addiction

Day 8: What causes you to stay addicted

Day 9: Develop positive addicitons