Giving Up Drinking or Drugs
giving up drinking
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Giving Up Drinking and Drugs

I watched a video about a donkey taking people to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. They carved a narrow road into the wall so the descent could be made. Anyone who slips off of the road will fall to their death.

Giving up drinking and drugs permanently

Assume that all sin will cause you to slip. Our temptations are like being in an ice storm on that narrow path. Once we start to slip we pick up speed.

To win: #1 Don’t go even 1 step off the right way. #2 Plan your next step. #3 Learn the Bible – Psalm 119 says:

11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

#4 Give one person permission to hold you accountable for your life choices. Tell that person about your temptations. They may understand your struggles or might have been through what you are going through.

#5 You will never be sinless, but you can sin less.

#6 Most of your unhappiness in life is caused when you listen to yourself instead of God. You may tell yourself: I have every excuse to give up. He will tell you: You can live a great productive life. Listen to Him.

What should you think about?

When temptation is strong ask: What am I believing right now? Something just triggered an unspoken belief. Your belief triggered an emotional response. But… anytime we sin at that moment, we are believing a lie. How does this lie go?

Satan’s steps to temptation. He says “This won’t hurt you.” Or, “You can handle this.”

Don’t believe lie #1, “I will be more happy if I _____.” Lie #2: More happy If I don’t do what God says to do. Lie #3, I will be more happy If I make money in excess instead of spreading the gospel. Enough money is good, excess is bad.

Proverbs 14:12 says: There are many ways that we think are right, but they lead to death. Every sin is based on a lie. What lie am I believing? When you fish you use bait. What bait is satan using with you? People think: I am going to quit my addiction but this other sin is not so bad. I won’t get hooked on this one. The truth is, satan does not want you to quit your addiction. But even if you do, he is content as long as your mind is still set on sin not on Jesus.

Today, up your passion for Jesus. Up your passion to do something to help people. Up your passion to have a great relationship with Jesus. A great relationship with Him is a huge step towards the new you thinking right.