Day 8 of Gambling Freedom in 60 Days
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Gambling Freedom in 60 Days: Day 8

Victimization is a form of Denial of your addiction. My wife left me for no good reason and I deserve to get high again. She doesn’t want to have sex with me so I will allow the destruction of Pornography into my life (if you would just say it that way (saying destruction) you would have a better chance of winning the fight. Or my husband treats me like dirt – I have the right to overeat/get drunk. Or no one will hire me so the only way I can get ahead is by gambling. Victimization is saying to Almighty God – You are not big enough and great enough to make up for this mess.

Stop that thinking and believe that now is the time to spend enough time reading the Bible, praying, thanking God for all things and praising Him. Get rid of the excuse of victimization, be on the same page with God and find joy from a dedicated relationship with Jesus Christ.

Jake Brindell from wrote the following:

“I have assigned massive amount of pain to addictions, so much so that I

want to abstain from problem addictions permanently. Therefore I have assigned a great deal of pleasure to refrain from problem gambling, and hey presto, this theory seems to work.

I am currently problem gambling free, I am making amends for my past, and am

enjoying sleeping, eating, conversing with my loved ones. Life feels brighter and

lighter and I also seem to have a few quid in my pocket.


If you are still under the illusion that problem gambling brings you long term pleasure then you cannot and will not succeed in your quest. The reason being, our brain loves to do things that give us pleasure.

The problems start when we have the following attitude.

I want to carry on problem gambling so that I can temporarily feel good but for the rest of the time I feel disgusted with myself and see my health, looks, relationships and finances slide down the toilet. Out of control.


Find out what pain and pleasure you want.

Firstly, I would to like offer that while you are reading this article your problem gambling is like a tiger outside the door, doing push ups. So even if you think you’d like to change, or should change, or will change soon, but not today, then as soon as you put this book down and walk out that door, that tiger will follow you wherever you go and may tear you from limb to limb at anytime it chooses to do so. Not a pretty thought, but we have to be clear here, problem gambling is no beauty contestant campaigning for world peace and this is not a beauty pageant. Problem gambling is the devil, in the form of a tiger, that is working out, right now and sharpening its claws and teeth waiting for the un-motivated, or, the slightly motivated to venture out. That is its bread and butter. The one and only beast they fear is the totally MOTIVATED.”


What 4 reasons make you totally motivated today. Repeat these motivations morning noon and night.

If you want to stop your gambling, learn from others. Let’s continue to watch people who are trying to quit to see what they are doing. Mike is improving by making it a habit to turn aggressively from thinking about gambling.

Jan prayed “Father, help me to care primarily about quitting gambling 3 times each day.”

Bill said 3 times every day “This temptation will go away if I don’t act on it. If I give in it will return and it may be even stronger next time. If I don’t give in it will go away and someday it will go away for good. I have the self-control to change”.

Lisa learned to think about other things by reading “The Purpose Driven Life” every day.

Read John 5, 1st Corinthians 5 and Proverbs 3 from the Bible.
God has unfailing love for us. Every day I will add another verse that talks about His unfailing love. Psalm 32:10
Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.

Thank you for reading day 8 of this program will help you leave this habit completely.

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Day one: Quitting addiction exercises

Day two: It is important to admit you are powerless

Day 3: Learn the right way to live

Day 4: Getting rid of negative emotions

Day 5: Remember – money lost is not yours. Don’t try to get it back or you will lose more.

Day 6: can you increase your pleasure by gambling?

Day 7: Staying clean in all ways helps you quit the addiction