Gambling: To Learn How To Quit A Gambling Habit: Day 12
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Gambling: To Learn How To Quit A Gambling Habit: Day 12

Mike had a huge fight with his dad. His dad was his closest and best relationship. First he had done his dad wrong and then his dad ripped into him pretty good. 10 days free from gambling were already gone. Before he even stopped his anger for a minute he was already on the internet gambling. Then it hit him. He had come so far. He was praying and starting to get some direction. He had started positive addictions and activities and it had been working. In total frustration he stopped for a minute. He then looked up and asked “God, why did you let me down?”

The minute he said that he realized that he may have had something to do with the mess. So he bowed his head and said “I am sorry Father, I messed up again”. Upon doing so he felt something come over him. He wanted to keep gambling but then it hit him. His relationship with Jesus Christ had been bringing him something real. In fact right now at a dark moment, he felt like he might be able to fight back. He said, Father, help me, give me a chance to turn this around. 

Abruptly he turned his computer off. He began to pray and within minutes he began to remember plans for his purpose he would like to do in the near future. He quickly realized that his anger sunk him again. He got his pen and wrote out his strategy for going to war with anger. 

Develop the vision of how you will help people. Without a vision or a goal your life will stay out of control. Write down today how you will help someone. Plan when where and how you will start to or accomplish your vision today.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit we must learn to resolve conflict. What conflict causes you to go back to your addiction? What can you change about that? Today write down what changes need to be made.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit you need to develop positive addictions. This is why I recommend the Purpose Driven Live every day. You need to search and pray about finding your purpose. One of my positive addictions is helping other people who have addictions. I need a lot more positive addictions if I am going to stay clean from all negative addictions for good. Do you need more? Today write down a list of things you can do or accomplish that would be healthy positive addictions.

We need to develop many new positive behaviors. What one new activity will you start to work on today.

Quit gambling by focusing on self-control: We were born to rebel. But embracing a good code of rules brings self-control. Long term joy is found in Self-control. Only tiny bits of fun and thrills are found gambling (with destruction). Embrace rules and begin to follow them to increase discipline. Sooner or later that focus will help you change for good.

It is a huge challenge to find activities that will help you live life better without your gambling addiction. So you need to work hard to develop these other activities. The reason you need to work hard to develop other activities is because you quickly forget how damaging gambling is. Then you run right back to it. If instead, you find a new hobby like being in the Big Brothers program where you will spend time investing your life helping other people. Then you will have less time to be tempted to gamble and you will be accomplishing something great with your life.

If you want to learn how to quit a gambling habit forever learn new activities and learn how to worship God and you will be done with your addiction.

We worship God by telling Him that we love Him. We need to thank God for his unconditional love for us, then we should meditate on how we can learn to love him more. The Bible says that He who loves me keeps my commandments.

Next tell God that you worship only Him. Not money, not addiction, not lust, not anything else.

Next tell God that you praise Him because He is a mighty God, an awesome God, and one that is greatly to be praised. We love to praise football stars, rock stars, Poker stars. Just stop it. They will only bring you tiny bits of joy. Praise God instead who can bring you fullness of joy.

Key Point #2 the Bible says in everything give thanks. This means that we are to thank God for everything good or bad.

When you learn to find joy though Jesus Christ you will find that you have 10 times as much power over your addiction.

It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others. Ephesians 2:10 Expanded Bible (EXB)

We are at our greatest temptation point when we feel like we are justified to slip up. Our world fell apart again – we now have every right to slip up. But what we often forget is that when our world falls apart that is “precisely when” the Holy Spirit is waiting to come in. And “waiting” is also a key word. When we fight addiction and start to pray we often first feel nothing. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is “waiting” to see if you are a 10 second Christian, a 10 minute Christian, or a Christian who will fight to the end and then fight to help others in need.

Identify when you are justified to slip up. Now be aware that this is your opportunity to make a ton of progress in one day! It is amazing how strong we feel the Holy Spirit when we tough it out on a tough day!

Read John 9, 1st Corinthians 9 and Proverbs 7 from the Bible.

Continue to read “The Purpose Driven Life”.

Never give up.

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Thank you for reading day 12 of this program: How to learn to quit a gambling habit forever.


Day one: Quitting addiction exercises

Day two: It is important to admit you are powerless

Day 3: Learn the right way to live

Day 4: Getting rid of negative emotions

Day 5: Remember – money lost is not yours. Don’t try to get it back or you will lose more.

Day 6: can you increase your pleasure by gambling?

Day 7: Staying clean in all ways helps you quit the addiction

Day 8: Decide what pain and pleasure you want

Day 9: Analyze what leads you back to your addiction

Day 10: Change your emotions and your mindsets. Stop believing that your big score will come in.

Day 11: Where the Spirit of the Lord is – there is liberty

To learn how to quit a gambling habit we must learn to resolve conflict. What conflict causes you to go back to your addiction? What can you change about that? Today write down what changes need to be made.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit you need to develop positive addictions. This is why I recommend the Purpose Driven Live every day. You need to search and pray about finding your purpose. One of my positive addictions is helping other people who have addictions. To learn how to quit a gambling habit I need a lot more positive addictions if I am going to stay clean from all negative addictions for good. Do you need more? Today write down a list of things you can do or accomplish that would be healthy positive addictions.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit we need to develop many new positive behaviors. What one new activity will you start to work on today.

It is a huge challenge to find activities that will help you live life better without your gambling addiction. So you need to work hard to develop these other activities. The reason you need to work hard to develop other activities is because you quickly forget how damaging gambling is. Then you run right back to it. If instead, you find a new hobby like being in the Big Brothers program where you will spend time investing your life helping other people. Then you will have less time to be tempted to gamble and you will be accomplishing something great with your life.

How to quit a gambling habit Key Point #1 Learn new activities and learn how to worship God and you will be done with your addiction.

We worship God by telling Him that we love Him. We need to thank God for his unconditional love for us, then we should meditate on how we can learn to love him more. The Bible says that He who loves me keeps my commandments.

Next tell God that you worship only Him. Not money, not addiction, not lust, not anything else.

Next tell God that you praise Him because He is a mighty God, an awesome God, and one that is greatly to be praised. We love to praise football stars, rock stars, Poker stars. Just stop it. They will only bring you tiny bits of joy. Praise God instead who can bring you fullness of joy.

How to quit a gambling habit Key Point #2 the Bible says in everything give thanks. This means that we are to thank God for everything good or bad.

When you learn to find joy though Jesus Christ you will find that you have 10 times as much power over your addiction.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit read the Bible. Read Proverbs 10 from the Bible.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit read Christian books. Continue to read “The Purpose Driven Life”.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit the #1 rule is never give up
To learn how to quit a gambling habit we must learn to resolve conflict. What conflict causes you to go back to your addiction? What can you change about that? Today write down what changes need to be made.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit you need to develop positive addictions. This is why I recommend the Purpose Driven Live every day. You need to search and pray about finding your purpose. One of my positive addictions is helping other people who have addictions. To learn how to quit a gambling habit I need a lot more positive addictions if I am going to stay clean from all negative addictions for good. Do you need more? Today write down a list of things you can do or accomplish that would be healthy positive addictions.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit we need to develop many new positive behaviors. What one new activity will you start to work on today.

It is a huge challenge to find activities that will help you live life better without your gambling addiction. So you need to work hard to develop these other activities. The reason you need to work hard to develop other activities is because you quickly forget how damaging gambling is. Then you run right back to it. If instead, you find a new hobby like being in the Big Brothers program where you will spend time investing your life helping other people. Then you will have less time to be tempted to gamble and you will be accomplishing something great with your life.

How to quit a gambling habit Key Point #1 Learn new activities and learn how to worship God and you will be done with your addiction.

We worship God by telling Him that we love Him. We need to thank God for his unconditional love for us, then we should meditate on how we can learn to love him more. The Bible says that He who loves me keeps my commandments.

Next tell God that you worship only Him. Not money, not addiction, not lust, not anything else.

Next tell God that you praise Him because He is a mighty God, an awesome God, and one that is greatly to be praised. We love to praise football stars, rock stars, Poker stars. Just stop it. They will only bring you tiny bits of joy. Praise God instead who can bring you fullness of joy.

How to quit a gambling habit Key Point #2 the Bible says in everything give thanks. This means that we are to thank God for everything good or bad.

When you learn to find joy though Jesus Christ you will find that you have 10 times as much power over your addiction.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit read the Bible. Read Proverbs 10 from the Bible.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit read Christian books. Continue to read “The Purpose Driven Life”.

To learn how to quit a gambling habit the #1 rule is never give up