How to stop gambling online
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How to stop gambling online

How to stop gambling online

Addictions have many causes, mental, physical, and spiritual as well as many others. But for hardcore long term addiction the spiritual aspect is often the dominant factor. Having said that, keep in mind that if you have a long term problem you need to consistently try everything that you can in every way to try to quit.

In this session we will start with the spiritual then see how it relates to everything else. So we will start out with a prayer. The prayer is “Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction”. Obviously when we pray help me to care only we are not excluding caring about things like family or responsibilities, we are merely trying to exclude things that may lead back to addiction.

Example #1 We have a hardcore gambler, now clean for 9 days goes online. He plans to just go on facebook but that is boring. He decides he will just gamble for one minute. 8 hours later he realizes he has lost big again, has been up all night and will have to go to work with only an hour of sleep.

In this example he fully cared about quitting his addiction but he also badly wanted to go have fun. And let’s be honest when we are disciplined and schedule an alternative event it will not always be quite as much fun. But if he had cared only about quitting his addiction he would have found something else to do. He might be doing something only 80% as fun that Monday night, but he could keep his joy for the whole week and yes keep his money as well.

Test out for yourself to see that sin leads to your main addiction. Getting drunk or watching sinful TV or movies leads you back to addictions. For movie watching, wait for the movies to be on TV instead of paying for them. It is much easier to change the channel on a freebie. You have instant clean options with regular TV.

Make it a goal to be clean in all ways. Even when you stay clean from your addiction, if your mind is filled with dark evil things you will never find real joy. When we pray Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction, we are directly asking God to show us if our movie channels or our this, or our that, are leading us directly back to our addiction. This is exactly the type of prayer that God answers. He wants you to be clean, filled with light and be fighting to get the darkness (sin) out.

Key Point #1 Always be analyzing what you are doing that leads you back to your addiction. Then find ways to make the changes that will help you succeed.

Pray: Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction six times throughout the day.

Read Proverbs 5 from the Bible.

Continue to read “The Purpose Driven Life”.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Never give up. God loves you.
How to stop gambling online

Addictions have many causes, mental, physical, and spiritual as well as many others. But for hardcore long term addiction the spiritual aspect is often the dominant factor. Having said that, keep in mind that if you have a long term problem you need to consistently try everything that you can in every way to try to quit.

How to stop gambling online. In this session we will start with the spiritual then see how it relates to everything else. So we will start out with a prayer. The prayer is “Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction”. Obviously when we pray help me to care only we are not excluding caring about things like family or responsibilities, we are merely trying to exclude things that may lead back to addiction.

How to stop gambling online Example #1 We have a hardcore gambler, now clean for 9 days is called by a buddy who invites him to a sports event. The second he is invited he knows all his gambling buddies will be there. But what is the harm they won’t be gambling at the event. He goes and the very next day he is in full swing on a gambling binge, the type that has almost always ended with him being broke in the past.

In this example he fully cared about quitting his addiction but he also badly wanted to go have fun. And let’s be honest when we are disciplined and schedule an alternative event it will not always be quite as much fun. But if he had cared only about quitting his addiction he would have turned down the first offer where he knew he would fall into severe temptation and he would have found something else to do. He might be doing something only 80% as fun that Friday night, but he could keep his joy for the whole week and yes keep his money as well.

How to stop gambling online. Test out for yourself to see that sin leads to your main addiction. Getting drunk or watching sinful TV or movies leads you back to addictions. For movie watching, wait for the movies to be on TV instead of paying for them. It is much easier to change the channel on a freebie. You have instant clean options with regular TV.

How to stop gambling online. Make it a goal to be clean in all ways. Even when you stay clean from your addiction, if your mind is filled with dark evil things you will never find real joy. When we pray Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction, we are directly asking God to show us if our movie channels or our this, or our that, are leading us directly back to our addiction. This is exactly the type of prayer that God answers. He wants you to be clean, filled with light and be fighting to get the darkness (sin) out.

How to stop gambling online Key Point #1 Always be analyzing what you are doing that leads you back to your addiction. Then find ways to make the changes that will help you succeed.

Pray: Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction six times throughout the day.

Read Proverbs 5 from the Bible.

Continue to read “The Purpose Driven Life”.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Never give up. God loves you.

How to quit a gambling habit  


I have a 60 day program called gambling freedom in 60 days (which you can access on the left). With that program I give you a few things to work on each day. Quite frankly I put in way more idea’s in this article than I should have put in for a single read. So you can choose to read this or start with day one of my 60 day program (which you can access on the left).

I usually start these articles by talking about the massive amounts of destruction the addiction will do to you. In this case I am not going to do that because many people know all about the destruction but they still can’t stop. But I will give you the short version. How to stop a gambling urges #1: gambling  will ruin you, destroy your health and sometimes harm others. But instead of dwelling on that I am going to talk a little bit about why many people indulge.

Addictions are popular when people have something missing in their lives or when they need to bury some pain or hurt. But when gambling  becomes an addiction it quickly becomes a dark hole where relationships, ethics and morals become a much lower priority than they should have.

How to stop a gambling urges#2: For some people one of the main reasons you indulge is because that is one of the few things that you feel like you have control over. It is your choice, it is your thing – it is who you are. But this is a cruel lie. A gambling  addiction is a force and it is a driving force. How to stop a gambling urges#3: There are some addictions that we think we are controlling but those addictions are actually controlling us. Over time gambling  cause a loss of control of everything.

So why do people keep indulging after they have decided to quit? In most people there is a dueling of personalities. Your mind tells you that you have to stop gambling  but your pleasure seeking flesh tells you that it will feel good.

Key Point #1 As long as you are ruled by the pleasure principle you will always struggle with addiction. The pleasure seeker may become selfish, immature, demanding and short sited. How to stop a gambling urges#4: In the long run, pleasure which is from an addiction always has a price to pay which is much higher than what you want to pay.

How to stop a gambling online tip #5: Instead of being ruled by the pleasure principle strive to be ruled by the moral principle. The moral principle is wise and rational and it leads to real long term joy instead of fake short term pleasure which leads to destruction. This principle believes that rules like that of your country or laws from the Bible are there to make your life better. When you follow this principle you willingly give up your solution of choice (gambling ) in exchange for another activity. How to stop a gambling online tip #6: The reason you make this choice is because you now believe that choosing an alternative activity will give you the best life over the next 7 days and longer. So if you stay clean today and develop new activities you may have a hard day today but your week and your future will be better.

How to stop a gambling online tip #7: Always choose the Wisdom of staying clean today so that you can have a good life all week, and all year instead of giving in to the short term pleasure and destruction of gambling  for one day. Over time staying clean is a lifestyle which is always better.


Gambling  is an escape for many people. One can escape from tension, anger, lack of success, pain and many other things. How to stop a gambling online tip #8: We need to get rid of the escapist mindset because our one day of escape always ruins more than one day and it often ruins a whole week or longer. Along the same lines many have the philosophy that if it feels good do it. The problem is, that the feeling good of a few hours usually causes the feeling bad of a few days. Instead of having this damaging mindset, embrace finding your purpose, and living the right way which will lead to happiness over time.


How to stop a gambling online tip #9: Develop the habit of thinking about other things all of the time instead of thinking about gambling .

How to stop a gambling online tip #10: We can see that being overly sensitive to emotional pain or failure is often a trigger to addiction. So first of all we need to be determined to be tougher and more emotionally ready for life’s constant problems. 2nd, negative emotions can lead us into addiction.

How to stop a gambling online tip #11: we need to always work on getting rid of anger and other negative emotions which are often hidden triggers. Lastly we need to avoid circumstances which lead to negative emotions (if possible). Good planning and flexible planning can help you avoid circumstances which will trigger you.

How to stop a gambling online tip #12: John Howard Prin also wrote “In time I learned that if my external motivation was strong enough, then my internal impulses could be curbed.”

For some people a great enough amount of pain or a change of thinking will cause them to change their behavior.

How to stop a gambling online tip #13: If what you think about has changed, then your internal impulses can be controlled.

This is key point #2. You need to think about the benefits of quitting more often than you think about the experience of gambling . How to stop a gambling online tip #14:  Make a note to remind yourself to do this untill it becomes a daily habit.

How to stop a gambling online tip #15: You need to think more about the destruction gambling  causes you than you think about the pleasure/pain relief it gives.

But we have to be brutally honest: we are as sick as our addictions are. If your addictions are causing harm to others you need to immediately get outside help.


How to stop a gambling online tip #16: Addiction tells us that something we can do (indulging in gambling ) can compensate for what is missing inside of us. It is a lie. Religion will tell you to quit gambling . To control the fire that burns inside of you. But I will tell you that you need to increase the passion in your life. Your life needs to surge with more passion for something then it ever has before. You were created to have a dramatic impact on this world. Most of you have never experienced the rush of knowing what God wants you to do.


How to stop a gambling online tip #17: “Solutions” Try Christianity. Study the Bible and learn how to get prayer answered (you will learn how in my 40 day program. Pray about negative emotions that may be a trigger for you. Learn to understand that the commands in the Bible are there so that you can avoid destruction and find real joy. Learn to understand the destruction of sin. Pray always about finding your purpose and learn about living in the glory of Jesus Christ. He will fill what is missing in your life but you have to figure out what He wants you to do. God wants you to find your purpose and He might someday want you to spread the Gospel. When you learn how to do what God wants you to do, you will start to have more passion and joy than you ever had.

How to stop gambling online

Addictions have many causes, mental, physical, and spiritual as well as many others. But for hardcore long term addiction the spiritual aspect is often the dominant factor. Having said that, keep in mind that if you have a long term problem you need to consistently try everything that you can in every way to try to quit.

How to stop gambling online. In this session we will start with the spiritual then see how it relates to everything else. So we will start out with a prayer. The prayer is “Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction”. Obviously when we pray help me to care only we are not excluding caring about things like family or responsibilities, we are merely trying to exclude things that may lead back to addiction.

How to stop gambling online Example #1 We have a hardcore gambler, now clean for 9 days is called by a buddy who invites him to a sports event. The second he is invited he knows all his gambling buddies will be there. But what is the harm they won’t be gambling at the event. He goes and the very next day he is in full swing on a gambling binge, the type that has almost always ended with him being broke in the past.

In this example he fully cared about quitting his addiction but he also badly wanted to go have fun. And let’s be honest when we are disciplined and schedule an alternative event it will not always be quite as much fun. But if he had cared only about quitting his addiction he would have turned down the first offer where he knew he would fall into severe temptation and he would have found something else to do. He might be doing something only 80% as fun that Friday night, but he could keep his joy for the whole week and yes keep his money as well.

How to stop gambling online. Test out for yourself to see that sin leads to your main addiction. Getting drunk or watching sinful TV or movies leads you back to addictions. For movie watching, wait for the movies to be on TV instead of paying for them. It is much easier to change the channel on a freebie. You have instant clean options with regular TV.

How to stop gambling online. Make it a goal to be clean in all ways. Even when you stay clean from your addiction, if your mind is filled with dark evil things you will never find real joy. When we pray Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction, we are directly asking God to show us if our movie channels or our this, or our that, are leading us directly back to our addiction. This is exactly the type of prayer that God answers. He wants you to be clean, filled with light and be fighting to get the darkness (sin) out.

How to stop gambling online Key Point #1 Always be analyzing what you are doing that leads you back to your addiction. Then find ways to make the changes that will help you succeed.

Pray: Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction six times throughout the day.

Read Proverbs 5 from the Bible.

Continue to read “The Purpose Driven Life”.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Never give up. God loves you.


How to stop gambling online

Addictions have many causes, mental, physical, and spiritual as well as many others. But for hardcore long term addiction the spiritual aspect is often the dominant factor. Having said that, keep in mind that if you have a long term problem you need to consistently try everything that you can in every way to try to quit.

How to stop gambling online. In this session we will start with the spiritual then see how it relates to everything else. So we will start out with a prayer. The prayer is “Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction”. Obviously when we pray help me to care only we are not excluding caring about things like family or responsibilities, we are merely trying to exclude things that may lead back to addiction.

How to stop gambling online Example #1 We have a hardcore gambler, now clean for 9 days is called by a buddy who invites him to a sports event. The second he is invited he knows all his gambling buddies will be there. But what is the harm they won’t be gambling at the event. He goes and the very next day he is in full swing on a gambling binge, the type that has almost always ended with him being broke in the past.

In this example he fully cared about quitting his addiction but he also badly wanted to go have fun. And let’s be honest when we are disciplined and schedule an alternative event it will not always be quite as much fun. But if he had cared only about quitting his addiction he would have turned down the first offer where he knew he would fall into severe temptation and he would have found something else to do. He might be doing something only 80% as fun that Friday night, but he could keep his joy for the whole week and yes keep his money as well.

How to stop gambling online. Test out for yourself to see that sin leads to your main addiction. Getting drunk or watching sinful TV or movies leads you back to addictions. For movie watching, wait for the movies to be on TV instead of paying for them. It is much easier to change the channel on a freebie. You have instant clean options with regular TV.

How to stop gambling online. Make it a goal to be clean in all ways. Even when you stay clean from your addiction, if your mind is filled with dark evil things you will never find real joy. When we pray Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction, we are directly asking God to show us if our movie channels or our this, or our that, are leading us directly back to our addiction. This is exactly the type of prayer that God answers. He wants you to be clean, filled with light and be fighting to get the darkness (sin) out.

How to stop gambling online Key Point #1 Always be analyzing what you are doing that leads you back to your addiction. Then find ways to make the changes that will help you succeed.

Pray: Father, help me to care only about quitting my addiction six times throughout the day.

Read Proverbs 5 from the Bible.

Continue to read “The Purpose Driven Life”.

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Never give up. God loves you.
How to quit a gambling habit


I have a 60 day program called gambling freedom in 60 days (which you can access on the left). With that program I give you a few things to work on each day. Quite frankly I put in way more idea’s in this article than I should have put in for a single read. So you can choose to read this or start with day one of my 60 day program (which you can access on the left).

I usually start these articles by talking about the massive amounts of destruction the addiction will do to you. In this case I am not going to do that because many people know all about the destruction but they still can’t stop. But I will give you the short version. How to stop a gambling urges #1: gambling  will ruin you, destroy your health and sometimes harm others. But instead of dwelling on that I am going to talk a little bit about why many people indulge.

Addictions are popular when people have something missing in their lives or when they need to bury some pain or hurt. But when gambling  becomes an addiction it quickly becomes a dark hole where relationships, ethics and morals become a much lower priority than they should have.

How to stop a gambling urges#2: For some people one of the main reasons you indulge is because that is one of the few things that you feel like you have control over. It is your choice, it is your thing – it is who you are. But this is a cruel lie. A gambling  addiction is a force and it is a driving force. How to stop a gambling urges#3: There are some addictions that we think we are controlling but those addictions are actually controlling us. Over time gambling  cause a loss of control of everything.

So why do people keep indulging after they have decided to quit? In most people there is a dueling of personalities. Your mind tells you that you have to stop gambling  but your pleasure seeking flesh tells you that it will feel good.

Key Point #1 As long as you are ruled by the pleasure principle you will always struggle with addiction. The pleasure seeker may become selfish, immature, demanding and short sited. How to stop a gambling urges#4: In the long run, pleasure which is from an addiction always has a price to pay which is much higher than what you want to pay.

How to stop a gambling online tip #5: Instead of being ruled by the pleasure principle strive to be ruled by the moral principle. The moral principle is wise and rational and it leads to real long term joy instead of fake short term pleasure which leads to destruction. This principle believes that rules like that of your country or laws from the Bible are there to make your life better. When you follow this principle you willingly give up your solution of choice (gambling ) in exchange for another activity. How to stop a gambling online tip #6: The reason you make this choice is because you now believe that choosing an alternative activity will give you the best life over the next 7 days and longer. So if you stay clean today and develop new activities you may have a hard day today but your week and your future will be better.

How to stop a gambling online tip #7: Always choose the Wisdom of staying clean today so that you can have a good life all week, and all year instead of giving in to the short term pleasure and destruction of gambling  for one day. Over time staying clean is a lifestyle which is always better.


Gambling  is an escape for many people. One can escape from tension, anger, lack of success, pain and many other things. How to stop a gambling online tip #8: We need to get rid of the escapist mindset because our one day of escape always ruins more than one day and it often ruins a whole week or longer. Along the same lines many have the philosophy that if it feels good do it. The problem is, that the feeling good of a few hours usually causes the feeling bad of a few days. Instead of having this damaging mindset, embrace finding your purpose, and living the right way which will lead to happiness over time.


How to stop a gambling online tip #9: Develop the habit of thinking about other things all of the time instead of thinking about gambling .

How to stop a gambling online tip #10: We can see that being overly sensitive to emotional pain or failure is often a trigger to addiction. So first of all we need to be determined to be tougher and more emotionally ready for life’s constant problems. 2nd, negative emotions can lead us into addiction.

How to stop a gambling online tip #11: we need to always work on getting rid of anger and other negative emotions which are often hidden triggers. Lastly we need to avoid circumstances which lead to negative emotions (if possible). Good planning and flexible planning can help you avoid circumstances which will trigger you.

How to stop a gambling online tip #12: John Howard Prin also wrote “In time I learned that if my external motivation was strong enough, then my internal impulses could be curbed.”

For some people a great enough amount of pain or a change of thinking will cause them to change their behavior.

How to stop a gambling online tip #13: If what you think about has changed, then your internal impulses can be controlled.

This is key point #2. You need to think about the benefits of quitting more often than you think about the experience of gambling . How to stop a gambling online tip #14:  Make a note to remind yourself to do this untill it becomes a daily habit.

How to stop a gambling online tip #15: You need to think more about the destruction gambling  causes you than you think about the pleasure/pain relief it gives.

But we have to be brutally honest: we are as sick as our addictions are. If your addictions are causing harm to others you need to immediately get outside help.


How to stop a gambling online tip #16: Addiction tells us that something we can do (indulging in gambling ) can compensate for what is missing inside of us. It is a lie. Religion will tell you to quit gambling . To control the fire that burns inside of you. But I will tell you that you need to increase the passion in your life. Your life needs to surge with more passion for something then it ever has before. You were created to have a dramatic impact on this world. Most of you have never experienced the rush of knowing what God wants you to do.


How to stop a gambling online tip #17: “Solutions” Try Christianity. Study the Bible and learn how to get prayer answered (you will learn how in my 40 day program. Pray about negative emotions that may be a trigger for you. Learn to understand that the commands in the Bible are there so that you can avoid destruction and find real joy. Learn to understand the destruction of sin. Pray always about finding your purpose and learn about living in the glory of Jesus Christ. He will fill what is missing in your life but you have to figure out what He wants you to do. God wants you to find your purpose and He might someday want you to spread the Gospel. When you learn how to do what God wants you to do, you will start to have more passion and joy than you ever had.