Running from | Stop The Addictions
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Running from

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    • #18288

        There are three types of people. Those doing God’s will. Those running from God like Jonah did, and people who do not pray enough to have any idea what God wants them to do.
        Running from God leads to bad habits.
        #1 Remind yourself often that running from God does not lead to joy.
        #2 Running gives satan first crack at influencing you. This leads to the mad cycle that some people are in.
        #3 Running leads your life downward. Costs are sometimes financial, relational, and physical.
        #4 God sometimes sends opposition in our path to remind us to make better decisions.
        #5 Running starts to shut us off from God. Once we build a wall high enough between us and God… Our habits will rule us.
        If you have an idea of what God wants you to do. Start today doing that activity. Change, and run with God.
        Second, some do not know what God wants them to do. Quite frankly, if you refuse to spend time in prayer asking God what He wants you to do, are you not running from God? Today, consider setting a goal of how much you will pray about finding your purpose and doing God’s will.
        Third, for some mired in deep habits, 90% of what God wants you to do is to go to war with your habit, and with sin. But… don’t forget that 10% because God has something great for you to do with your life.

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