Think About | Stop The Addictions
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Think About

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    • #18209

        We need to change the way we think because changing our thinking is the first step to changing our actions. Transformation changes us from emptiness to fullness.

        The further away you get from God, the more trouble you are going to have in your life. Things will go wrong because you are not cooperating with your Creator, and you are not following God’s plan for your life. On the flip side, the closer I get to God, the more my life will be transformed. Moses was so transformed that he was filled with light, a glow was upon him.

        We get close to God by

        #1 Saying: I don’t want this version of my life. I am frustrated, I want change.

        Jeremiah 29:13 “Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.”

        #2 Repent: Consider praying:

        “Father, You are right, I am wrong, please help me.”

        Isaiah reads, “Your sins have separated you from your God, and have hidden his face from you…”

        #3 Put God first. Don’t put money, stuff, success, or anything before God. Read your Bible first, pray first, make living your life God’s way a high priority.

        #4 Keep reading quitting articles until you feel the glow of God’s love in your life again.

        #5 Keep working on new habits until you feel the glow of God’s love in your life for good. When you quit “The right way…” at some point you will say: “Life always improves when I do things God’s way. I just need to do things His way all the time.”

      • #18230

          If we change what we think about we have a pretty good chance of quitting. If after 90 days we consistently think about 6 new healthy things daily we have increased our odds of quitting massively.

          The Bible says to think about things that are true. #1 If you are a Christian, people around you are going to hell. Thinking about this truth should inspire us to work harder to quit. To think about this consider praying several times daily:

          “Father, help me to turn from thoughts of _____, and help me to care about souls.”

          Second, decide to be positive. Decide to be a shining light. We can either think work/school is going to stink today, or we can think, “I will try to do everything I can to make it good for the people around me today.”

          Third, quote a great verse each day. If you stink at memorizing verses simply put them in a file in your phone. Consider memorizing: 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”

          This verse is truth. Thinking about walking in the Light (Living God’s way) is thinking about truth.

          Finally, wisdom is truth. Think about and consider praying several times daily:

          “Father, fill me with Your wisdom, and help me to run from wrong places, and thoughts of _____.”

          Read Proverbs to learn about wisdom. Additionally, this book is filled with warnings about lust/fornication/adultery. These things lead to other habits. Consider going to war with the.

          Wisdom is taking time this weekend to plan a Bible verse to quote for every day next week. Wisdom is planning prayers for every day next week. Wisdom is making the decision to make it a priority to think about things that are true every day next week.

          Thinking right leads to right actions which leads to success.

        • #18231

            The Bible says to think about things that are noble. Noble thoughts are majestic, awesome thoughts. Today we can think: God has a plan for me, or, God has a great plan for me, if I sit around thinking about problems, my habit, money… I may miss the majestic plan He has for me.

            The Bible says, “For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.” (Romans 1:21–25, ESV).

            Paul said to “Set your mind on things above not on earthly things.” Noble thoughts are things like doing God’s will, thinking about helping others, as well as storing up treasures in heaven.

            Second, thinking about things that are noble means thinking about honorable things. noted:

            “Jesus is our standard for honor and character. He displayed the decorum and honor of heaven and proved it is possible to live upon this earth with such a life. And now that same Jesus, through His Spirit, lives in you! It is imperative that our minds stay focused upon Him! The boundary for our minds is not just what is true but what is honorable, respectable, reverent, and dignified.

            How has your mind been recently? Are the thoughts you dwell upon filled with honor? Are they reverent? Are they dignified—a thought process that is worthy of respect?”

            Third, to increase in noble thoughts consider writing prayers that fight bad habits and increase in noble thoughts. Consider praying:

            “Father, help me to turn from thoughts of _____ and help me to care about souls.”

            “Father, show me how wrong thoughts poison my life. Help me to live with honor and reverence.”

            “Father, help me to love and help people more than I love pleasure.”

            If we think right, we will live right. Try to make it a habit to think right.

          • #18233

              To think right means to think the opposite of wrong. If we are not happy with someone close to us, thinking bad about them is wrong. Thinking right is to think about contentment and love, then to pray about contentment and love.

              Second, to allow anxiety or anger to rule us is wrong. To think right consider having a couple of Bible verses in your phone to fight the negative emotion. Then think about those verses, then write a couple of short prayers about the specific emotion.

              Third, some days do stink. Work stinks, school stinks, and _______ stinks. Don’t keep thinking about those things. Have 3 new things to think about in your phone. Give thanks for good things, then think about helping others. Then pray about helping others.
              But there will be another tomorrow. Praise the Lord, get tough, and give thanks that a better day is coming.

              Finally, we all take time to think about what is bad about our lives. To think right, think about what is good about your life. Consider making it a habit to focus on what is good about your life.

            • #18241

                Pure thoughts are clean thoughts. Pure thinking involves thinking in a pure way about what we will read, watch, listen to, or think about. Consider praying David’s prayer:

                “Create in me a pure heart Oh God, and renew a right Spirit within me.”

                Step one in thinking pure thoughts is to plan to think pure thoughts. Plan pure thoughts if you are out and about where temptation may pop up. Plan pure thoughts before you turn on the TV.

                Second, pure thoughts are: What is God’s will right now, not Wow, when we see an attractive person. Pure thoughts only happen when we avoid evil.

                Finally, pure thoughts are writing prayers that say what Job said about keeping his eyes pure.

                “Father, I will keep my eyes pure, I will keep my thoughts pure, help me to run from sin.”

                Purity and positivity lead to a clean mind, and a clean mind keeps us free. Consider a focus on purity.

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